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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Extreme combination radius (7/14 etc)


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I'd rather work with the skater than force them into something. Just sayin'.

You own an LHS right? What do you mean more specifically if I may ask?

I got my blades in the mail yesterday. I'll try them out tomorrow or Tuesday night and report back. I'm nervous and excited..lol

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Wow. I love it. Bob put on a 90/75 FBV 8'/13 combo radius, and a medium forward pitch. The adjustment time was about 10 seconds. I am HIGHLY impressed. Most of this is probably due to the FBV hollow. I can glide FOREVER out there which was by far the most exciting thing about this whole "experiment." I took a sigh of relief after doing a few tight turns and stops. The blades did everything Bob said they would do. Had a touch less bite than my normal 9/16 ROH cut which is what I asked for. I could probably go with something that has a little more bite than this, but this is due to the fact that the ice I skated on today was harder than what I normally skate on.

It's hard to tell just how much of a difference the combo radius had, seeing as how so many things were changed all at one time. Overall I am impressed. They blades do everything I asked for and everything Bob said they would do. I will be sending in my old blades asap to get the same profile, but maybe try out a slightly different cut.

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Wow. I love it. Bob put on a 90/75 FBV 8'/13 combo radius, and a medium forward pitch. The adjustment time was about 10 seconds. I am HIGHLY impressed. Most of this is probably due to the FBV hollow. I can glide FOREVER out there which was by far the most exciting thing about this whole "experiment." I took a sigh of relief after doing a few tight turns and stops. The blades did everything Bob said they would do. Had a touch less bite than my normal 9/16 ROH cut which is what I asked for. I could probably go with something that has a little more bite than this, but this is due to the fact that the ice I skated on today was harder than what I normally skate on.

It's hard to tell just how much of a difference the combo radius had, seeing as how so many things were changed all at one time. Overall I am impressed. They blades do everything I asked for and everything Bob said they would do. I will be sending in my old blades asap to get the same profile, but maybe try out a slightly different cut.

It's great to hear that the new profile is working out for you so far!

quick question: how's your agility? ie if you were to make high speed crossovers how tight would the cirle be let's say in relation to the face-off circle?

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Glad you liked it. The speed you got was from a combination of the FBV and the 13'. For more bite, try the 100/50 which will be a little bit more bite than a 9/16 hollow.

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I'm going to skate on it a little bit more before I adjust anything.

I've been reading the FBV thread a lot over the last few days just to get some insight. The phsyics that go in to this are quite astounding, especially for my feeble mind...haha. Anyways, it was said in that thread a few times that FBV just feels different which is very true. You don't always realize you have that edge available. You have to trust that it's there because it is. It's hard to explain unless you've tried it(I know who you are Jimmy, I'm just saying;) ) I just need a couple more skates to see exactly what I might want to try differently.

My crossovers were just as tight today I would think. I really meant to test this, among other aspects more than I really did. We ended up playing a drop in game, so I didn't concentrate on specific manuevers as much. If crossover were "wider" I would think it would be because of the increased speed with the rediculous glide you get with FBV. It's hard to say though, again I didn't pay much attention to it. I did a couple times I suppose and my speed coming out of corners was faster I think, due to the glide. The bite is there, but it just takes some time to become a believer in that fact because FBV just feels different.

To comment more on agility- I think it's the same. It might seem a tiny bit less to me right now because I'm always moving faster due to the glide if you know what I mean. The same bite is there as ROH, but you're moving faster than ROH. Make sense?

Solar wind- tomorrow when I skate I will skate around the f.o. circles as fast as I can. We used to do this in drills sometimes, so I can compare now to then. I'm anxious to see if I'm really any faster tomorrow at my hockey camp. There are a couple guys there who I can't quite catch, I'm close though. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to keep up. I'm excited to find out for sure.

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any Canadians get work done from no icing? I just email them but wondering if they service up here and seeing if any of the boys up here have any experience with them, thanks,

I was gonna get profiling done in the GTA (majer or just hockey) and came across this post.

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any Canadians get work done from no icing? I just email them but wondering if they service up here and seeing if any of the boys up here have any experience with them, thanks,

I was gonna get profiling done in the GTA (majer or just hockey) and came across this post.

I'm sure Jimmy/Bob does good work, but if you're in the GTA I don't think you need to start mailing your blades away to anyone for a profile. There are a lot of good places to get them done including the two you already mentioned and you want have to wait for the blades in the mail. The guys here mailing their blades may do so because they don't have a good LHS they trust near them. If you're in the GTA that shouldn't be an issue.

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ya i think i'm gonna try local first since i'm not sure on all the answers to the questions in the survey so it might be best to have someone to talk to in person and if i like it after i can experiment with combinations or at least order a backup set of blades from jimmy/bob since i still have to drive 45 mins to shops i trust and that does FBV

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I'm sure Jimmy/Bob does good work, but if you're in the GTA I don't think you need to start mailing your blades away to anyone for a profile. There are a lot of good places to get them done including the two you already mentioned and you want have to wait for the blades in the mail. The guys here mailing their blades may do so because they don't have a good LHS they trust near them. If you're in the GTA that shouldn't be an issue.

I am frustrated and will be shipping mine out tomorrow (already did the questionnaire, etc) ...

here's my sharpening adventures in Ottawa

I take it to guy A, does a decent job, but when I go to guy B, he tells me how shitty of a job the last guy did

and when I go back to guy A tells me how shitty of a job guy B did...it's endless

so it will be shipped off...it can't be any worse, just a bit inconvenient

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I settled on 8/10 combo a few years back and absolutely love it. Feels like a "glove" to my skating style, if you know what I mean. Anything more than 10 on the rear and I feel like I'm fighting a huge lever..came from many years in a single 9. The 8 in front gives me an almost unbelievable agility, ankle dekes, etc.

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Bumping this thread because I just ordered a set of BlackEdge with a 8/13 combo radius for my Totalones from NoIcing and thought some people might be interested in the results. I'll be back on in a few days after my first skate!

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I ordered some new steel with a 8/12 combo on Tuesday then broke a holder on Friday. My new steel showed up on saturday :mad:

I can't wait to get my skates back so i can give them a try.

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Skated with my new steel last night for the first time. They felt great, although I cannot pinpoint if it;s the combo radius, pitch change or switching to FBV. Too many variables. Overall I am happy.

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It's hard to pinpoint one specific change because all the parameters work together to achieve better overarall performance. It's great you don't have any problems. If you are happy and you are skating better than before, well, that's a good thing. Does that mean some minor adjustments may not feel better, nope. Never ending quest for the perfect set up.

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IF anyone is interested I have both 7/14 and 9/15 I have used the 8/13 8/12. Going from 7/14 to 9/15 you do seem to be losing a good bit of agility. Turns with a 7/14 are fast and instant. Almost to the point of wiping out. I tucked my tongue under the shin pad for the 7/14's, i noticed the lack of agility with the 9/15 from the 7/14 seemed I was expecting to turn when I wasn't ALSO i was being lazy and using turns to get back in the play and not stopping and going, the best way. I took the tongue out of the shin pad and the 9/15 were really good. Major increase in stability and speed. The 7/14 have you on rails, you might get knocked off balance if you are in a body checking league.

Frankly I think its a great addition to your skating. I will add that people do a lot to skates, add heel lifts, different steel, different holders, insoles, you name it. If you want to be like the pros, then you need a set of combo, triple, single radius skates. Find what works for you.

I have been to a few power skating schools, I use both edges when I skate. I skate tongue out and leave one eyelet unlaced, with very loose boots.

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