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Curfew and Parents

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Alright so today after seeing Without a Paddle,at 9 ish, I call my parents and ask if I can go to this party, for my buddy who plays in the OHL, and is leaving the school to go to Saginaw to play for the Spirit. He`s having this huge jam, lots of people, booze....you know the deal. My brother, whos 17, is allowed to go. And when I call my parents and ask, they say no, and we get into an argument on the phone, outside the theatre, and they hang up on me. I get home and begin to rebel....PM me with some ideas...Anywyas point of the post, whast your curfew, how are you parents with partying and such and do you think I am rebeling without a cause?

Note: I`m 15.

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If your parents had no boundries for you, think how far out of control you would have to go to rebell. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you need to do anything about it. It was probably the right thing for them to do.

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my curfew is usually 11 or so....USUALLY. I'm 14. In that situation, I probably wouldn't be alowed to go either, I wouldn't get to mad about it.

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Never had a curfew.

We just had an understanding about what is a good time to come home.

Yeah, thats pretty much the same for me. I'm open with my parents, so they know exactly what I'm doing when I'm out. Mind you, they are fine with me drinking, going to parties. I guess it all depends on what their views are on that kinda stuff. Or what they were like as teens. Im 16 by the way.

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I only rebel becasue they made me miss out on the party of the year...my sources say, so I must make there life harder becaue they made mine harder....pretty logical to me. Wheres Jake, he knows what Im`saying, didn't he wanna take on the Government?

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My parents are really cool when it comes to this kind of stuff. I've never had a curfew and I can go out to any parties. I guess its because I had an older brother who did a lot more than me, and they are kind of used to it. My parents know that there will be beer there and everything, so if I go to one of those parties they make me basically stay the night so I don't drive, which I'm cool with. But if I get in any kind of trouble while I'm out, there will be hell to pay when I get home.

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Never had a curfew but checking in was the minimum requirement. Of course going to school an ocean away helped get it out of my system before break.

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I'm 16, and my parents seem to be pretty cool about me going out late. LIke sometimes I'd just take the keys and go off (after telling them), and I'd just call them on the cell every hour or so. Of course, I don't like drinking (beer tastes weird), so that's a plus.

In YOUR case, I don't think that there's a point to rebel. The more you rebel, the less of a chance you'll get to go to the next "party of a lifetime".

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Just wait til' college my friend.

Anyway back when I was under the reign of the parents, my parents split when I was a frosh in HS. So living under two different rules has it's advantages when having a curfew (for instance Mom says be back at 1, say Dad lets me stay out til' 3, etc.).

They were pretty cool with me going out just as long as I didn't drink and drive...that was their main thing, because a good friend of my parents died when he was 19 after drinking and driving. Also I think they didn't want to alienate me from them as they already figured we had enough stress having to live at two different places.

But my Dad is alot more lax on me going out than my Mom is...my dad usually just wants me to call and let him know if I plan on spending the night somewhere or if I'm too trashed to drive back. Mom on the otherhand is more likely to call my ass to see what I am up to at 2 AM and bitch at me, but she usually doesn't care.

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At my mom's house, I don't have a curfew, I can be up all night if I want. Nothing really to do though in my hill billy town late at night, I don't drink or do drugs either.

I hate both my parents. No joke.

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First of all, there were no cops......as my brother went, came home under the influence, and all was fine....Also, I was only looking foir a good time, I`m mature enough to respect the art of sexual intercourse and have a strong moral that it should be done with someone whos worth your while.....not some chick at a party.

What pisses me off is they let me go to a party in Woodbridge, which is like 20 mins away, where I know no one, but they don`t let me go to a party with all my friends...doesn`t make sense to me, nor does the fact my brother can go and I can`t...

My beef with waiting is....what if I don`t live that long? I mean you never know when. Also, not to say that if I had gone to the party, died the night after that i`d be satisfied with my life, but it would have been an experience of a lifetime.

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well i dont have a curfew, because theres no place to go near me and no kids, and i dont drive for 7 months or so. so i just go to pickup hockey at night, man how much fun. keeps me out of trouble at least.

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hey chris who is your friend thats coming to play on the spirit? i go watch the spirit all the time saginaw is 15 minutes away from my home.

edit: a cool fact is that once before a game my highschool team got to play in the spirits rink. it was alot of fun, not to mention there ice is awesome.

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If I tell my parents about it a few days ahead I'll get to stay there or go where ever. But if it's just a few of the guys going to party out of the blue its about 2ish.

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It's always good to mention a few people your going with or will meet you there. Be selective and pick the ones they like most. Some parents are just strict on certain things. Mine are pretty good for everything, they don't drink though so it did make it a little difficult to goto parties when I was younger.

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When I told my parents I was at a friends house playing video games (and I was) they never believed me. When I was out raising hell and came up with some BS excuse they always seemed to buy it.

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well i dont have a curfew, because theres no place to go near me and no kids, and i dont drive for 7 months or so. so i just go to pickup hockey at night, man how much fun. keeps me out of trouble at least.

Seems like where I use to live. I use to live in a place where there was 6 kids. I had to go on a bus for 45 mins just to get to the closest school witch had 70 people.

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Wheres Jake, he knows what Im`saying, didn't he wanna take on the Government?

Seriously, comeon...

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my curfews generally midnight cause we can't drive past 12 unless we're off graduated liscence. but if i'm out late with others, all i gotta do is give the 'rents a call n give them an estimated time. as for parties go, they let me go as long as i tell them where it is, who's it is, and how i'm getting there. i don't tell them if i'll be drinking, but i'm pretty they all have the hunce we do at the parties

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