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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Help

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I just purchased some new Skates of HockeyMonkey I brought some Nikebauer One75 size 8.

I am a size 9 shoe and was a size 7 skate in my RBK 5ks but I was told that Nikebauer were a smaller fit is this true?


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Nike/Bauer recommends you go one size down from your street shoe size. That's what you have done. I wear a size nine street shoe and I am in a size 8 in Vapors. I can fit into a RBK size seven though. I have always been able to go down two sizes with a CCM made skate because the toe area is wider. My toes just touch the end of a CCM made skate with a tiny bit of pressure but nothing too substantial. You might be alright but then again I've been told the One/ 75 may have a slightly wider toe area so your fit many be a bit sloppy at the toe box. Guess you'll just need to wait and see. Good Luck!

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Good chance too big...............I wear sz 8 or 8.5 shoe and wear 6.5 one75's

I like my skates snug but with Bauer/Easton they generally 1.5/2 sizes down

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There are no Skate Shops were I'm from so it's kinda hard.

Where are you from? We'll help you find someone close..

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