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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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White Out NBH 4 Rolls

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Does anyone have a pro shop by them that carries the White Out NBH 4 Roll Gloves? I'm looking to get a pair of the white with the red but none of the pro shops around have them. The only one on the internet that has them is Pure Hockey. I'd appreciate it.

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Bauer is doing a special program soon with retailers involving the 4-rolls. They offered pretty much any colorway you have ever seen in a 4-roll. Minimum order was 8 pair so I only brought in white/black, white/navy, and white royal(only one team close to us with red and their coach makes them wear black gloves) I know of a store that ordered white/red so I could let you know when they have them(like at least 3 months maybe longer). I don't know how widespread the custom program is but I have a feeling that alot of stores are gonna start popping up with custom 4-rolls gloves. I'm sure they'll be available somewhere. Just be patient :)

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try going to a LHS and asking them to do a special order for you.

Unless you want Eagles or Warriors there are going to be minimums to be met for custom gloves orders. NBH won't do just one.

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sorry. didn't realize that the 4 rolls don't come in retail white.

If you find any glove that comes in a retail white, your LHS should be able to order one for you.

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