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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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two piece pants?

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I have a pair of RBK 8k pants that are two pieces. Where can I purchase the upper part that covers the kidneys, hips and tail bone.

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Sorry, misread your post initially. If you're looking to replace the pads in a two piece pant, finding something on ebay is your best bet. I have never seen the interior padding of a two piece pant available at retail.

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They are tough to get a hold of because it is almost exclusively a pro pant. They are made by Bauer/Nike, RBK/CCM, and Tackla. However, as far as I know, the only brand that has a traditional two-piece pant available retail is Tackla. I believe the RBK 9K, Bauer Vapor XXXX Girdle, and Easton S15 are all two-pieces, but they differ from the pro-style two-piece.

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On the other side of questions, is there a place I can buy the lower portion in a +1 length for my tackla's?


What size and color?

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