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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic pro curve

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Does anyone have a pic of his pro curve ? Just out of interest I was curious what it actually looks like.I did a search and did'nt see one, if I missed it and you can point me in the right direction I'll apologize in advance :D

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I just snapped some pics with my cell....they're pretty bad, but you get the idea. I'm not sure if this is his current/only curve.



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Thanks,that looks pretty straight ! Is there a retail curve you'd compare it to ?

I edited my first post so the thumbnails link to bigger pictures. I'm not sure what curve I'd compare it to. It's got a ton of loft and seems to curve both at the heel and at the toe. I guess the pictures are a bit deceiving because it's definitely not straight.

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Heel, it's just his variation on the heel wedge. Slight heel (maybe 1/2", maybe more maybe less) with the heel neutral, mid slight open, toe very open.

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it looks like the drury/ovechkin retail curve to me

definitely...Ovechkin retail is what i have on my backup (since it's close to the P91/P91A), however, i think it looks like th e curve starts a littttttle closer to the toe than the Oveckin retail IMHO

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Heel, it's just his variation on the heel wedge. Slight heel (maybe 1/2", maybe more maybe less) with the heel neutral, mid slight open, toe very open.

That sounds good right there, I can't think of a retail cure with those specs ( I've never seen an Ovechkin in person ) Anyone have any other suggestions close to it I could check out ?

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Would you guys classify it as a toe or heel curve?

me and my friends argue about these types of curves all the time. Some say its a heel some say its a toe.

I say you just give it a full description, it starts curving very mildly at the heel then starts curving more drastic at the

toe. Of course the curve for the top part of the blade is different from the bottom.

What would you say the lie is on it ? I have seen pictures of Sakic with stick blade flat on the ice. It looked pretty high to me, something like a 6 or 6.5 ?

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I just snapped some pics with my cell....they're pretty bad, but you get the idea. I'm not sure if this is his current/only curve.



Looks kind of Weight-esque (except straighter at the toe):


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Would you guys classify it as a toe or heel curve?

Why can't it be both? A very large number of custom curves can't be accurately described as either since they have curve points in multiple locations.

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I guess that would start more confusion. As much as I hate to admit I get confused about certain curves too.. Sakic retail still looks like a heel to me at all angles.

What's the lie on that pro Sakic?

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Hey Jarick,whats the curve on the right ?

Warrior Weight on the right, Christian Modano/Forsberg on the left.

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I just snapped some pics with my cell....they're pretty bad, but you get the idea. I'm not sure if this is his current/only curve.



Looks kind of Weight-esque (except straighter at the toe):


Curve on the right (Weight) still my favorit of all time. Even more than the Mogilny.

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