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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where to buy prostock sticks in southeast michigan

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Im not sure about in Mich....But I would say online would be your best source for a wider selection of prostocks...Alot of the major online stores should be getting some left over pro stocks in the next few months, not sure on that though...Someone else may know what time of year they get their pro stocks...Just my 2 cents

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What curve are you looking for? If you like a retail curve you could find plenty of good deals on older model sticks. I really wouldnt spend alot of time looking for pro stocks just for the wow factor. Ebay or an online store is your best bet, at most LHS your going to be paying more than you should.

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ohh i could care less about it being a pro stock, just that usually you can get a retail 190 dollar stick for $90 pro stock and i like to mess around with curves

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Ebay is a good bet, or if you can find a pro team sale around you. HM has a decent selection of pro-stock RBK's, but their curve selection is pretty limited.

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Perani's in Sterling Heights usually had a dozen or so whenever I was in there. I'd assume the other locations would have some as well.

Where in Detroit are you and what's your LHS?

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Also the Peranis in Flint, or you can try Summit, or if you have the time, hop the bridge to Canada eh?

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Keep in mind that 3/4 of pros are LH. Perani's has a pretty good selection of prostock, but with most of the buyers being RH it is slim pickings.

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Keep in mind that 3/4 of pros are LH. Perani's has a pretty good selection of prostock, but with most of the buyers being RH it is slim pickings.

I actually work in the Ann Arbor Perani's...and JR is absolutely right. There's a boat load of LH pro-stocks, but RHs are hard to come by in the stores and even harder to find in the warehouse. I would try and find something in an older model from a year or two ago on close out...either that or learn to play as a LHer and buy LH pro-stocks ;)

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try calling up to peranis in flint. last time i ws there they had about 18 rh sticks.

Keep in mind that 3/4 of pros are LH. Perani's has a pretty good selection of prostock, but with most of the buyers being RH it is slim pickings.

I actually work in the Ann Arbor Perani's...and JR is absolutely right. There's a boat load of LH pro-stocks, but RHs are hard to come by in the stores and even harder to find in the warehouse. I would try and find something in an older model from a year or two ago on close out...either that or learn to play as a LHer and buy LH pro-stocks ;)

give andy a call in the flint store.

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