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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 to 9k

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What are the differences one can expect going from the s15 to the 08 9k.

I assume better durability is one.

Are they close to the same weight?

Does the pump provide better heel lock?

Is the holder better or worse, and how?

Is the pitch the same, and if different, how?

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What are the differences one can expect going from the s15 to the 08 9k.

I assume better durability is one.

Are they close to the same weight?

Does the pump provide better heel lock?

Is the holder better or worse, and how?

Is the pitch the same, and if different, how?


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S15 has a heel lift, the 9k doesn't. A profile with pitch or heel lifts will correct that. The 9k has a 10' radius stock, so if you want it to feel like the Easton, a profile will fix that. The new 9k is very light so may come close to the S15's weight.

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S15 has a heel lift, the 9k doesn't. A profile with pitch or heel lifts will correct that. The 9k has a 10' radius stock, so if you want it to feel like the Easton, a profile will fix that. The new 9k is very light so may come close to the S15's weight.

Or removal of said heel lift from the insole.

The 9k has less volume than the S15 and is a taller boot. Wider heel as well.

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S15 has a heel lift, the 9k doesn't. A profile with pitch or heel lifts will correct that. The 9k has a 10' radius stock, so if you want it to feel like the Easton, a profile will fix that. The new 9k is very light so may come close to the S15's weight.

Or removal of said heel lift from the insole.

The 9k has less volume than the S15 and is a taller boot. Wider heel as well.

I didnt notice the difference in volume.

So I can just add the heel lift in the 9k and it will be like the s15?

Wont the pump help with the wider heel?

Not sure how the different radius will affect me. Is it that much of a difference?

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I just did the opposit, went from 9K's to S15's, Im considering going back to the 9k's or just changing the insole for that doesnt have a lift!

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I just did the opposit, went from 9K's to S15's, Im considering going back to the 9k's or just changing the insole for that doesnt have a lift!

You can take the lift out very easily and still use the stock insole.

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if the s15 fits your heel very well, i dont think the 9k will turn out as well for you.

the pump doesnt keep my heel down the way the s15 did.

so if you have a narrower heel, i would recommend against the 9k

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I just did the opposit, went from 9K's to S15's, Im considering going back to the 9k's or just changing the insole for that doesnt have a lift!

You can take the lift out very easily and still use the stock insole.

thats what I did tonight, very big difference for someone that comes from 9k's!

I did like my S15's but now im in love with them :lol:

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I ordered the 8EE, and as I thought, the length is exactly right. But damn if they still feel narrow. My s15's in 8.5R feel SO great on my feet, but I just cant afford to drop $500 a year on skates. Does anyone know if the 9ks are heat moldable, and if they are, will they open up a bit? Will breaking them in open them up a bit too?

I dont think I need much more width, as just a bit more will make them great. These are my last option outside of Eastons or Customs.

Need help....please advise!

Thanks so much!

Also, what are the differences in pitch and radius, and how do they affect me?

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Did you Try them ON before ordering? 9K's Are heat moldable..3-4 minutes with air bladder DEflated. Baking Should alleviate any minor Hot spots. if you have a good LHS, they Might be able to punch out any areas that are giving you troubles after the bake. Just give it time, and the skates will conform to your feet. Not sure how the RBk heel area will fit coming out of the Eastons, but good luck to ya. Next time you're in the market for skates...take your time and go to a LHS and Try Skates On.

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Did you Try them ON before ordering? 9K's Are heat moldable..3-4 minutes with air bladder DEflated. Baking Should alleviate any minor Hot spots. if you have a good LHS, they Might be able to punch out any areas that are giving you troubles after the bake. Just give it time, and the skates will conform to your feet. Not sure how the RBk heel area will fit coming out of the Eastons, but good luck to ya. Next time you're in the market for skates...take your time and go to a LHS and Try Skates On.

The LHS's had nothing in my size in RBK.....I tried on different 9ks for length, and some for width. The length is perfect, but the width is the problem. I can return the skates free, but not if I bake or sharpen them.

I am SO frustrated. The ONLY skates that fit me perfectly are th Eastons......the one skate with horrendous durability issues.

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are the s15 better constructed than a year ago? son had a pair and completely broke down in 2 mos. we were able to get refund.

They say they are, but I really dont know for sure. I am even considering the synergys if they last longer. I am so f-ing frustrated with this 2 month ordeal trying to find another skate to fit besides Easton. I feel that I am just going to surrender and stay with Eastons. They just fit me perfect.

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Just got back from the LHS. They took back the s15's and will get m a refund. I then took a pair of the Synergy 1500's. They said they arent having a fraction of the durability problems, and gave them to me at cost. They are a bit heavier, but seem stiffer and stronger. We will see I guess.

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Eric - I know you read my post on this. I returned the 9Ks. OK.. so I didn't like the S15 either but as was said it's PP.

The S15 is lighter but not that much.

S15 is stiffer.

Both are prettty high.

9K heel was HUGE and the pump doesnt lock you in. If it don't fit it won't fit!!!

Width about the same in foresoot.

S15 has shallower toe box.

I beg you, and everyone else out there, TRY ON BEFORE YOU BUY!!!!!

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Just got back from the LHS. They took back the s15's and will get m a refund. I then took a pair of the Synergy 1500's. They said they arent having a fraction of the durability problems, and gave them to me at cost. They are a bit heavier, but seem stiffer and stronger. We will see I guess.

Oh man, there's a pic around here of a pair of 1500s...I think it's one of the Australian kids. You can see his toes.

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Just got back from the LHS. They took back the s15's and will get m a refund. I then took a pair of the Synergy 1500's. They said they arent having a fraction of the durability problems, and gave them to me at cost. They are a bit heavier, but seem stiffer and stronger. We will see I guess.

Oh man, there's a pic around here of a pair of 1500s...I think it's one of the Australian kids. You can see his toes.

I give up. I surrender. I have no fight left in me. Trying to find skates has wasted me.

I will use the 1500's until November when you JR, or someone else you recommend, can fit me for customs.

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Give the SE16 any thought???? By the way... I ended up in Bauer's after swearing I couldn't fit in them. If you have an LHS with some decent size stock you ,might like the Vapors in a EE width. I was surprised but it worked out really well for me.

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Give the SE16 any thought???? By the way... I ended up in Bauer's after swearing I couldn't fit in them. If you have an LHS with some decent size stock you ,might like the Vapors in a EE width. I was surprised but it worked out really well for me.

The LHS doesnt have the SE16 in yet, but I heard it is basically the newer 1500. I got the 1500 at cost, so I am making some $ on the s15 refund. The problem with all the bauers is the seam/joint where the skate meets the toecap. Actually got bone spur type of thing when I wore them 2 months....even the EE width. Like I said, I am tired of the search for skates that fit and just gave up and took the 1500's. I think I am just going to have to go custom in the future. If I can get customs that fit and pay more, it will be OK cause I will be using them for hopefully 2 years instead of 1/2 year.

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from my experience 1500C is more durable then S15 (both have same foe issues, but at least for 1500C the glue wasn't separating from the boot like it is on S15)

and still ovrall S15 is a better skate fit & performance wise (not to mention they dry a heck of a lot quicker), so I'm sticking with S15 untill they completely fall apart (might be soon though)

I looked at 9K before - as mentioned many times the heel is just HUGE - pump only works half way through the skate above the heel - not all the way down if it makes any sense...

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