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Tackla 5000 Pro vs. Tackla 9000 ACS

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From a US dealer regarding my recent 5000 Pro order:

"we were just informed by tackla that the only pants available in size 50 are the 9000 model. they are $139.99

please email"

Any truth in this? Thanks,

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How do the 2 piece Tackla 5000x compare to the RBK 9k's?

I tried on the 9k's in store and its a bit hard to tell how they would feel on the ice, they feel heavy when you hold them. I have old 1 piece Nike pants and im considering switching to 2 piece system or maybe just upgrade to a better 1 piece like a 5000 air or 9000.

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Completely different pant. 9k is like a girdle hybrid.

5000's are lose across the bottom, snug up top.

The top end Eagle pant is apparently the same thing as the old 5000x (vaughn made it)

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How do the 2 piece Tackla 5000x compare to the RBK 9k's?

I tried on the 9k's in store and its a bit hard to tell how they would feel on the ice, they feel heavy when you hold them. I have old 1 piece Nike pants and im considering switching to 2 piece system or maybe just upgrade to a better 1 piece like a 5000 air or 9000.

If you're concerned with weight, get the 9000s. They still have a ton of protection and weigh less than the 5000.

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Well they said the weight really isn't an issue when its wrapped tight around your leg, i guess im looking for decent protection but great mobility.

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Well they said the weight really isn't an issue when its wrapped tight around your leg, i guess im looking for decent protection but great mobility.

5000 is damn near bullet proof, the 9000 is excellent but slightly less protective. It's still significantly better than most other pants.

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5000 is damn near bullet proof, the 9000 is excellent but slightly less protective. It's still significantly better than most other pants.

Yeah im pretty confident that if i went with RBK or Tackla the protection would be more then sufficent. I guess i should be more focused on mobility.

Completely different pant. 9k is like a girdle hybrid.

5000's are lose across the bottom, snug up top.

Thats good to know, hard to compare then i would really have to try them on.

How do the 5000 pros compare to the 9000 then as far as mobility? Or maybe even throw in 5000 air also if thats all i can find.

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5000x take a bit of break in time.....ice time. Can't just wear them around the house. The vaughn made 5000x have a lot of padding up top.

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Yes, once the 5000's loosen up they give you amazing mobility and you still get some of the best protection on the market. I highly recommend them, especially the Canadian made model.

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How does the mobility of the 5000pro compare to the 5000air or 9000?

I think the Hockey Shop is able to get either in the one piece but not the two piece 5000x.

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How does the mobility of the 5000pro compare to the 5000air or 9000?

I think the Hockey Shop is able to get either in the one piece but not the two piece 5000x.

No, but they can get you the Eagle branded version for $249.99cdn :o

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I am indeed in the US. I just didn't think the ACS pants were available in the US.

If it was a Canadian model Tackla pant, it will be gone.

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