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Montreal Junior open try outs

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I got this press release today from the new QMJHL team, Montreal Junior , might be of interest to some MSH members :)

Invitation to the Montreal Juniors Hockey Club Walk-on Tryout

Montreal, August 8th, 2008 –Mr. Martin Routhier, President of the Montreal Juniors Hockey Team, invites you to attend the open try-out camp being held for all players interested in joining the team for the upcoming 2008-2009 season.

When: Monday, August 11th, 2008 from 3pm to 7pm

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008 from 3pm to 7pm

Where: Sportplexe 4 Glaces de Pierrefonds

14700 Pierrefonds Blvd.

Pierrefonds, Québec, H9H 4Y6

Who: Martin Routhier, President

Pascal Vincent, General Manager and Head Coach

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My friend was telling me about this the other day, I know I have like no chance to make the team, I have nothing to loose, so what the hell, I'm gonna go.

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Are they looking for spots or is this just a fundraiser for the team? Also if so what spots are they looking for?

If it's a real tryout, and for the Q, it should be free.

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It looks like it is for real:


Right there on the website!

I would guess this is more like a publicity stunt! Try to get community interest in the new team. Never the less, open tryout in the QMJHL is pretty special. If I were good, and was not invited to anyones tryout camp, sounds like a place I would want to be!

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My friend was telling me about this the other day, I know I have like to chance to make the team, I have nothing to loose, so what the hell, I'm gonna go.

Goodluck! :)

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Of course this is legit, their looking for local talents, who knows what can be found at these open try outs.

Free of charge obviously and its not a publicity stunt.

good luck to who ever will be attending the session :)

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I went today, there were 84 players and 25 goalies. It was a long day registration was at 12:30 and they posted the cuts at 7:30. The got rid of almost half the group, there are now 48 skates and 8 goalies. the calibar was pretty good, lots of fast skaters out there. I didn't get cut, so I'm back of to Pierrefonds tomorrow after-noon. :)

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If you have any interest in playing NCAA hockey be very careful. I know that by going to training camp with a major junior team you blow your NCAA eligibility. I'm not sure how an open tryout like this would affect eligibility, but the NCAA is pretty hardheaded when it comes to major junior stuff.

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going to major junior camps does not effect your ncaa eligibility... Signing anything with them and even having your name on the roster for an exhibition game will effect it

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going to major junior camps does not effect your ncaa eligibility... Signing anything with them and even having your name on the roster for an exhibition game will effect it

No I had to go through this last year. The rule for a normal tryout is that you can only spend 48 hours there and you can't except anything from the team. That means no jerseys, helmets, sticks, ect. If you're there for 49 hours you lose your eligibility. I'm not sure how an open tryout would work though.

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So for the second day we were 36 players not 48 like they had orginally told us we were suppose to be. I was on of the very few 1991 players that got invited back for the second day, most guys were 1989's. They made 2 teams( 4 lines and 6 d) and we played 2 games, the set-up was kinda wierd, four 18 minute periods per game. I was on the white team, and we lost the first game 8-13, I got two goals and two assissts, and we also lost the second game 5-10, i got 1 goal and 1 assissts. IMO, the forwards were pretty even, but the black teams defencemen were alot better than ours which is what made the difference. They are suppose to call the players that get invited to there camp on the 14th. I depending on the number of players they invite, I might have shot, but I think I was maybe lacking abit in the skating department. I'm still young though, so if they have another on next year I'll be going back for sure.

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No that is not it.

You can have the team pay for your expenses (room and board) for 48 hours.

You can stay as long as you like in training camp AS LONG AS YOU PAY for everything after 48 hours (keep the receipts in case you need evidence someday).

You can play all the inter-squad games that you want to.

You can not play in any games, even for a minute, if an opposing team from somewhere else in the league is on the ice.

And, obviously, you can not sign any contract with the team or an agent, other than a waiver of liability.

Attending league-wide scouting camps, like the QMJHL's CSR Challenge, is perfectly ok too.

A standard thing a lot of players will do is come for two days of skating at the team's expense, and then either negotiate a contract OR go back home. After 2 days, the coach/gm has seen enough of you to negotiate (if they want you).

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I am not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure that you can be there for 2 full days of camp. For example, if you show up on a Thursday afternoon, sign in, have some barbeque, listen to a couple of pep talks by the coaching, go sleep at a billet; then the next day have breakfast/lunch/dinner and do all the off-ice and on-ice stuff, and then the following day do it all over again but leave at the end of the day, you are in the clear. You slept there for 2 nights and had food for 2 days of camp.

After that it gets a little weirder. If you stay for 5 more days, do you move to a hotel, or stay in the billet and pay them the stipend for food and room? Since it is SOOOO hard to get ahold of anyone at the NCAA offices, and even harder to answer you back in writing, I would go for paying the billet with a check, or moving to a hotel, for the remaining days of camp.

The team would probably prefer you stay with the billet arrangement. BTW, we are not talking about ponying up a lot of cash here, probably $20 per day (whatever the team is paying the billet per player-day).

By all means, call up the NCAA on elegibility rules, and confirm what I have said. Get the name of the guy you are talking to, in case they change their story later!

You can start here:


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I am not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure that you can be there for 2 full days of camp. For example, if you show up on a Thursday afternoon, sign in, have some barbeque, listen to a couple of pep talks by the coaching, go sleep at a billet; then the next day have breakfast/lunch/dinner and do all the off-ice and on-ice stuff, and then the following day do it all over again but leave at the end of the day, you are in the clear. You slept there for 2 nights and had food for 2 days of camp.

After that it gets a little weirder. If you stay for 5 more days, do you move to a hotel, or stay in the billet and pay them the stipend for food and room? Since it is SOOOO hard to get ahold of anyone at the NCAA offices, and even harder to answer you back in writing, I would go for paying the billet with a check, or moving to a hotel, for the remaining days of camp.

The team would probably prefer you stay with the billet arrangement. BTW, we are not talking about ponying up a lot of cash here, probably $20 per day (whatever the team is paying the billet per player-day).

By all means, call up the NCAA on elegibility rules, and confirm what I have said. Get the name of the guy you are talking to, in case they change their story later!

You can start here:


I believe it is strictly 48 hours and not 2 full days. For example, if you check in at 5pm on a Tuesday, you need to be paying your own way by 5pm on Thursday to not have it affect eligibility. The NCAA is a real stickler on stuff like this in all sports, but particularly as it pertains to major junior because there is a fairly adversarial relationship between the two governing bodies. If you are thinking about playing NCAA hockey I would be sure you know the rules 100% before you head to any major junior camps. I'm sure there are a number of agents or "advisers" that can walk you through all the details of the rule. NCAA rules allow you to speak to an agent but you can not sign or verbally agree to any type of representation arrangement with the agent or you blow the eligibility. Most of the guys that are considering both routes have some type of adviser and most of those advisers are agents who simply have not signed anything with the player.

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Best to be safe than sorry. Sign in at 6 PM and either leave or start paying for you supper 48 hours later.

It would be nice to have an advisor set up so you can ask questions and use for contract negotiating if you want to go pro. However, realistically, at least half of the players trying out at a camp will not have one, and will not be able to get one UNTIL they make the major junior team. So learn as much as you can before the event, and plan out what you are going to do ahead of time.

One mass. player last year went to the full training camp, including exhibition games on the road and signing a contract, in the Q. Then before season started he got cold feet and went back to JR A. Why roll those dice unless you want to? Plan things out. Ask questions. Get advice from past coaches, etc.

A lot boils down to the following: Do you want to do everything in your power to make it to the NHL and it would be nice to get a college degree part time along the way, OR do you want to do everyting in your power to get a college degree, and it would be nice to play high level hockey along the way? The answer to that question may help you decide between the CHL or NCAA route.

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I mean of course you need to be careful with major junior camps, but I know players who have received skates and sticks from the team and stayed for well over the 48 hours on the teams' dime to practice and still play NCAA today. The team's won't try and screw you if you aren't in their plans. Just do not sign a contract that is the killer. Playing exhibition games will hurt your eligibility, but not destroy it completely you just might need to jump through som hurdles to gain it back.

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They are suppose to call the players that get invited to there camp on the 14th. I depending on the number of players they invite, I might have shot, but I think I was maybe lacking abit in the skating department. I'm still young though, so if they have another on next year I'll be going back for sure.

Good Luck!

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