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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech HC100

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Anyone have a picture of this helmet with a jofa cage? I can't find it anywhere and my LHS doesn't carry the ITECH HC100 so I don't know what it looks like (and I want to get one). Thanks.

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I'm surprised th eItech site doesn't have the pic. Best price I've seen on the helmet is at greatskate, $56 or something like that.

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Its all about what fits your head the best. For me, thats the 4000/0004. I ordered a HC100 and tried to put my Jofa on, but had trouble fitting it on there right. Was yours the same Eric?

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Both were larges. My cage is a few years old, its sort of different, the top thing where you screw it onto the helmet is different. Yours point up, mine point down. Sorry I can't make that more clear, but I think you can understand what I mean.

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Look at the whole Notre Dame team....they all wear the Itech's and they look pretty good. Any opinions on which looks better---white cage or black?

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