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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate value.

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I have a pair of used synergy 1500's that I want to try to sell. The problem is I have know idea what there worth? Or what I should be asking for. Now i know it is hard to determine the value of the skates without seeing pictures, so I will try to take some soon to be able to give you guys a better idea. The skates were used for 1 season of intense ice hockey ( about 7-8 times a week except in the summer) The boot itself is still very solid, the only thing is cosmeticly they don't look all that great any more. My initial thought was that I would ask for 150$ for them, but maybe thats to high, I really have no idea. Help me out guys!


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I'd say after a season of intense hockey pretty much any skate isn't worth more then $100

I've seen 1500Cs sold on ebay in high $50s...

I also have a pair of 1500c that I'm not even going to bother listing, but if I were to list them I'd start @ $50 & no reserve.

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Also depends how often you got them sharpened. Is the steel almost down to nothing or is there some life left. Also how beat up are they cosmetically. Easton skates don't exactly wear like iron. If the steel is still ready to go and they dont' look too beat up, I'd say $75 to $100 is a fair price.

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Thanks guys, I have never sold any used skates before so I really had no idea what they were worth, all my other pairs I have given to other family members. If I can get 75$ for them thats not to bad, I was hopeing to be able to buy I new helmet with the money from the skates, but it looks like I might have to dig into my own pockets a bit. Like I said, I'll post pictures soon so it will give you a much better look at the condition.

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I was in Play It Again yesterday and saw a pair of used 1500's in about the same condition you have described, in decent condition but a bit beat up with still a fair amount of blade left. They where asking $129.99 CDN for them and I even asked the guy there if he would accept $100. He said they where there on consignment and the guy they where selling them for would probably accept $90 to $100 if they asked him. In my opinion that's pretty sad for a skate that was originally selling for $500 plus CDN only a couple of years back but that's about the market value of that skate, even in very good condition. Skates in general are not the best of investments if your looking for any resale value because a lot of people would rather buy something new and unused ,rather that put something on their feet worn by someone else for a year or two.

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For skating 7-8 times a week, they look better than I expected. But pictures can be decieving. If you are going to sell online, I would post various pics of differing views. As a customer, I would be wary that you are only showing the best view of the best skate. Put a "buy it now: price (your ideal price) and offer free shipping with it....then start the auction low and let the market/demand determine the price. Good luck with the sale!

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Put a "buy it now: price (your ideal price) and offer free shipping with it....then start the auction low and let the market/demand determine the price. Good luck with the sale!

first off in my opinion they don't look that good at all - look @ the steel - there's still a fair amount left, but it's a parabolic which bends easily... other then that - normal stuff - rusted riverts, cuts in leather - mostly cosmetic, but still

secondly - 'buy it now' works VERY rarely unless it's a hot item & the price is fair

in this case you'd end up paying ebay more & 95% chance it won't be used

the best is to start @ 0.99 & see how it goes

I stick to my original bid - no more then $100.

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