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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite Spyne and New Warrior Products

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hey guys, i know this has been talked about somewhere but i couldnt find it so dont kill me for starting a new topic. im sure everyone knows about the new dolomite with spyne technology. for now its only available in Fedorov, Draper, and Kovalev (85 and 100) and only in the standard lies (Fedorov lie 4 and Draper lie 5). also new is the johnson stick which is available in a new Vanek Curve, ive heard that this is replacing Weight but that is not confirmed. The new Dolo is a special offering for the holiday season but ive heard that this will be the stick in the 2009 catalouge which i found a bit weird since the current dolo graphics just came out in may 2008. They also have a New Hitman Glove and Pant. the pant is pretty sweet and the glove is MIA made but only slightly more expensive than the Fubar. It really reminds me of the Creeper glove but without the high price tag. let me know if you guys have any other questions.

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I thought that Kovalchuk (warrior's yzermanish equivalent) replaced the old Robitaille?

Your right.

As long as they keep the Weight/Vanek curve I'll be happy. I hate when a company just kills a sku with no forewarning.

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I guess it all depends on the curve. I don't think many people would care if Warrior just up and stopped making the Smyth curve.

But the people who love toe curves would be mighty pissed

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So where will these new products land in price points and whats so special about the Johnson stick? Is it a renamed Showgun? Will the MacDaddy be kiied off becuase of the new DoloSpyn? Or will the Orig. Dolo drop in price?

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weight is gone, vanek is in.

also, the new dolo spyne is a single spyne, as opposed to the dual spyne on the kron thats why it looks different

Is Vanek the new name for Weight or a different curve?

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I agree, it has made me move away from the Inno. Mogilny curve I loved so much. Similar but a little longer blade and a tad more of a curve.

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