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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brooklynite Almighty

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Eric don't feel bad for me, I have a beautiful family 3 boys. I am happily married and I am on the ice 5 days a week. I am very happy with my life.

Nothing to feel bad about. I do well with my other job. Your talking about my marketing, Tell me how many new companies have over 5000 unique hits a month. Not many....The marketing is going quite well for a start up. Actually on pace for 4000 this month sorry.

Also look at the almighty you can tell by looking at the picture how much went into this stick. I sent one stick to Sweden. It will arrive hopefully tomorrow, lets hear what they say or if they order any.....

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Drew, I want your stick hook up! JR, it wasn't a shot at you whatsoever. It was my honest understanding of what happened.

How many of you or members of your family own a small business and stake their livelihood on its success or failure? Would you want people reacting to your mother and father's business this way? If you took out a second mortgage to open up the company of your dreams, would you want everyone to hope for your demise? Or would you prefer people to be understanding of all you're sacrificing so even if you come off poor initially, they'll be willing to forgive you just this once? I have to say shame on you all for behaving this way.

I actually had both of my parents that owned their own businesses, both family run, family started. They have done all the things you said, taking out second mortgages, workign the long hours, all the sacrifices, and they have never ever taken business criticsms personally. My father started a wholesale model business and has spent years building it, hes had many many doors slammed in his face and been screamed at by customers countless times, had to fire friends, made bad decisions that cost him and us a lot of money at times. His reaction is alway the same - Its just business. At the end of the day he built a very successful company that he has recently sold. The lesson is - you can not let your personal feelings get in the way of your professional life, if you do, your toast.

Congrats to you and your family! I agree with you completely but on the other hand, people eventually get fed up with everyone burying them before they have even half the information necessary to make a reasonable decision. I'm getting Jack Squat for free, so why do I make such an effort? Because I know how committed Joe is and would like to see the little guy succeed for once, and maybe even beat the big boys at their own game.

My point wasn't to promote my family or to make any statement about you or BN personally. My point was simply that you need to stop taking this criticism personally..

On a side note, I do find the picture posed by Thockey to be pretty convincing as to where the glove design came from.

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Just to be clear, I'm getting nothing for my work. No money, no free sticks, nada. As for what his ad was, it included two women, each wearing a dress, looking up at the Almighty coming down from the heavens. This is sex? So anything with a female in it is sexual? Give me a break, really. I will not allow people to sit here and bs like that.


This is appealing to mans carnal nature? Are you a 15th century puritan? Give me a break!!

Warning issued for spamming. You're an admin on his forum and the ad promotes his website as well as the product.

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Not meant to be a slam in any way, but it would help if you made sure your grammar and spelling were correct as well. When you are speaking about your company with constant misspellings and grammar issues, it comes off as either: ignorance, a panicked response, or laziness. Every little bit helps.

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I am not spamming, honestly. I am going to sites who I see hit my site. In the beginning I was spamming because I didn't even know what spamming was to be honest.

Wex that is the advertisement that got pulled. I was told by USA Hockey that they will not allow women period....because a big time lawyer is harassing them about the Warrior advertisements.

That is 100 percent truth out of the horses mouth.

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Wex that is the advertisement that got pulled. I was told by USA Hockey that they will not allow women period....because a big time lawyer is harassing them about the Warrior advertisements.

Good, the warrior stuff shouldn't have been allowed in a magazine addressed to mites.

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Just a suggestion, but why not try more of a price point stick to break into the market and get your name out there. Keep your inital investment low and see if you can get a little share of the market. If it sticks, you can go from there and market a higher end stick. Just a suggestion

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Drew, here is my story Ok. I was going to college my father/best friend past away when I was 20, and I had to quit school to help support my mother. Hopefully one day this company will allow me to go to school and correct my Grammar. As of now, I have bad Grammar. I don't need to learn grammar to make a hockey stick.

There are billionaires who cant read!!! Their is a guy in china who built an awesome company. The guy didn't go to high school and is almost illiterate. Just because you can put a proper sentence together does not mean your successful, or going to be. Its your heart and your drive to succeed.

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I'm pleased to see people are willing to admit when they're wrong, as do I. However, I didn't post spam here earlier. It's certainly not spam within its plain meaning. Rather, someone made a particularly derisive statement so I asked them to go voice their opinion on the proper website. That by no means warrants a warning, thanks.

Because you have any say over what warrants a warning on here? You have as much influence on here as I do on Brooklynite's forum, and I'm not even a member over there.

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UMW Hockey I have not put up prices yet. I am debating that. The problem is the cost of the product is allot and you have to have a wholesale price to sell to stores.

CHadd I agree about Warrior did you see my advertisement David and Goliath?

I definitely need to work on my Grammar. It makes me look very stupid. I am no genius but I am not stupid, I built a nice little life for myself and my family.

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what i am saying is that you didn't need to produce what you say is a high quality, expensive to produce, stick right off the bat. Use some lesser materials and make it more of a price point stick that will get in more peoples hands. The shop I work in sells the price points at least 4-1 to the high end sticks.

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CHadd I agree about Warrior did you see my advertisement David and Goliath?

No, I prefer to avoid hype, it's all about the product to me.

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UMWHOCKEY I did that also, but I wanted to produce quality also.

My D Force will be under 100 dollars....Its still a decent stick but I would not call it, Great, I would be a liar

The best you can hope to do is make it a good value at that price. Some will like it, others won't. UMW is correct though that you should do far more volume in mid level sticks than at the top end

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how does a christian man who reads his bible everyday put his morals to the side and produce an ad like that? how's your reading comprehention? do you understand what you read? or you just dont beleive it?

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how does a christian man who reads his bible everyday put his morals to the side and produce an ad like that? how's your reading comprehention? do you understand what you read? or you just dont beleive it?

A better question might be how is yours?

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how does a christian man who reads his bible everyday put his morals to the side and produce an ad like that? how's your reading comprehention? do you understand what you read? or you just dont beleive it?

You want to have that discussion, do it via PM, not in public.

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lol..........how are you Mr. Whizbang? We meet again.......

Thank you Chadd,

The program where I coach has the Metro Moose. A few kids are playing from the program are now playing D3 college hockey. Some good players in that moose program. The goalie is insane. Shorter stature this kid gobbles pucks.

Check out the Metro Moose. Nice program and good people running it.

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