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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brooklynite Almighty

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"thanks for booting me, my site is getting more hits now than ever".

Do hits on a website still generate revenue?

I am onboard with a lot of people on here. If you are going to showcase a product , be up front about it. The least anyone can do is try to respect the rules on here. Let them know who you are. And if you want visibility and opinions, be ready for negative and positive feedback.

It's the very top end model for his line. I have a hunch $80 wouldn't cover his costs. The release date is soon enough, so everyone will get to see and decide firsthand. BTW: The Exodus gloves look superb and the Almighty graphics look clean and neat. But you're exactly right, Einstein, everything not made by or resembling Easton or NB product looks cheap. Way to think for yourself.

I am not sure I see any big differences in glove designs to other company's. Also it Seems like the Gloves section of the site has broken links

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Do hits on a website still generate revenue?

They do when the forum is littered with advertisers all over the forum. XXX amount of hits and you get XXX amount of dollars back to your site to pay for the advertising space on the forum.

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Me and Joe were talking and i asked what pros are using his sticks. He said a few oilers and europeans. Than i asked how can they be using it if your shipment dose not come until the end of the month. Than i left for school. Around 6th period i wanted to see what one liner Joe came up with. I got a nice message saying i have be banned from this board. Reason- None.

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BTW: The Exodus gloves look superb and the Almighty graphics look clean and neat. But you're exactly right, Einstein, everything not made by or resembling Easton or NB product looks cheap. Way to think for yourself.

Sorry, the Exodus glove doesnt look like a Easton or N/B product, because they are a FURY product.


gxc, it's his opinion. Thockey was expressing his. Even though he didn't have to say it looked like a ripoff, he has a point. If the public doesn't like the overall design of the product, they likely won't take a look at it.

To say rip-off was completely necessary.

Way to think for yourself.

Irony indeed.

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So why haven't Fury, Gear, Eagle, and other sticks been winding up en mass in the 'show it off thread'? People don't take chances on unknown names, regardless of price. The only people in the world who know anything about Joe's stick are his friends and us. You say you'd load up at $120 (closeout for top end sticks from the big boys)- that's assuming you've had the balls to try an unknown name and found it good enough to stock on. And what percentage of average hockey players stockpile? 99% of the ones I know in real life haven't gone through more than 2 sticks in 2 years and are excited to try new things when it finally comes time to try something else.

Marketing sells more sticks than good performance at first. He's done well to take an ad in US Hockey mag.

Drew- I wasn't saying that a high price means quality, but rich people will buy "the best", and hockey is mostly rich people's kids.

I wish him the best of luck with Brooklynite, and I'll keep my skepticism from letting me make any nasty comments.

I've got 7 near identical sticks in the corner of my small NY apartment all cut, filed, and taped up exactly the same. I love stockpiling - but thankfully I like wood sticks best. Most people I feel don't want to drop a grand or more to stockpile 5 or 6 twigs. I only have 2 new model carbons (not included in the 7 woodies) that are identical, and if I liked those best, I would not probably buy more than 4. Later,

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BTW: The Exodus gloves look superb and the Almighty graphics look clean and neat. But you're exactly right, Einstein, everything not made by or resembling Easton or NB product looks cheap. Way to think for yourself.

Sorry, the Exodus glove doesnt look like a Easton or N/B product, because they are a FURY product.


gxc, it's his opinion. Thockey was expressing his. Even though he didn't have to say it looked like a ripoff, he has a point. If the public doesn't like the overall design of the product, they likely won't take a look at it.

To say rip-off was completely necessary.

Way to think for yourself.

Irony indeed.

Uh oh.

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Didn't Joe have on his site that he was sending MSH a couple of twigs for review, did this happen?

JR did you get & try these sticks?

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Oh heavens to betsy! Two gloves share a similar paintjob, call Batman! I'm betting you there's no croslite in BN gloves, plus his have plastic inserts. You don't think companies share the same factories or designs? Are we going to sue half the hockey companies there are for making a 4-roll? Nice try on the witch hunt though, pal.

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He had a lot of things on his site. Apparently, I was the owner of Compro and then later I was a rep, then I wasn't and I was asked to demo a stick, then that disappeared. It's like bi-polar gone wild over there.

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Oh heavens to betsy! Two gloves share a similar paintjob, call Batman! I'm betting you there's no croslite in BN gloves, plus his have plastic inserts. You don't think companies share the same factories or designs? Are we going to sue half the hockey companies there are for making a 4-roll? Nice try on the witch hunt though, pal.


Want to keep going?

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Have your cake and eat it too. So either his gloves are crap or they're high quality, remade gloves? Which is it?

Edit: Called Joe, he'll be on soon.

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What does that Fury glove have to do with anything?

They went out of business and had a lot of excess inventory they sold at a massive discount. Some would say that re-branding a glove and calling it a new design would be a lie or a fraud.

Thanks for the spurious allegations. Once again, you don't think companies share designs and factories? Did you know both NB and Easton have gloves that are marked as 4-rolls and look similar? I even think some skate companies use the same brand of wheels of their inline hockey skates. I guess Rink Rat owns all inline skate manufacturers...

Ask him straight up because we already know how many he bought.

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Thanks for the spurious allegations. Once again, you don't think companies share designs and factories? Did you know both NB and Easton have gloves that are marked as 4-rolls and look similar? I even think some skate companies use the same brand of wheels of their inline hockey skates. I guess Rink Rat owns all inline skate manufacturers...

The similarities between the Easton and NBH 4 roll gloves only lie with their names. If you had them side by side, you wouldn't think they were the same glove as things appear to be in this case.

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