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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After switching to a visor, i found myself playing alot less intensively and being alot more cautious before battling down low for the puck and going into the corners. That really wasn't my style, so back to the cage i went. I wear a mouth guard even with my cage as it doesn't bother me much at all. Funny thing was 2 games later, i got an attempted dump right to the face. I was happy with my decision, that's for sure.

This problem arises in leagues were there is no mandate regarding facial protection; some guys play too agressively when they have the full cage on. I've found that many cage wearers are often more careless with their sticks because of the protection offered and as a result seem less aware of the damage their sticks can do.

Not to say everyone who whears a cage intentionally goes around highsticking- its just that players who wear visors (or no visor at all) tend to watch their sticks more closely because they know that they can just as easilly be cut.

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I JUST switched to a visor and as Murphy's Law would have it, my very first shift I got a puck to the chin.. I ended up being way too cautious about it for the rest of the game and screwed myself but I'm gonna keep wearing it and I'm sure I'll adapt.

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Wore mine for the first time last night.

Didn't keep me away from the net, corners, or anything.

I had a couple small issues with getting water/sweat on the visor, but no fog whatsoever.

Really, the worst effect of wearing the visor was having to wear a damn mouthguard. I pulled it out every time I had to say something.

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Haha wow...well im almost 17 :P and play in all checking youth leagues and high school...and I only get to wear my halffy when reffing but a few times I've worn my helmet with the half shield to no checking adult open hockey, and I play a LOT less intense, but yeah, after i got whacked in the shield with a stick (that left a huge black tape mark right in front of my eye), I'm A LOT more careful with my stick coming up high.

Cause when i wear the visor i can imagine how much it would suck getting slashed in the face so i'm very careful about my stick coming up high..

From a lot of people i've noticed, their playing style changes to less intense after they put on the shield, but it really is so much better than a cage.

After wearing strictly the half shield playing the whole summer, when it came back to training camp for the season, I felt like i couldnt' see anything with my cage on...so i dealt and now its back to normal.

So basically I love mine and I sometimes forget I'm wearing a shield, so once im older and more comfortable, im definately wearing one full time.

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So I got my shield the other day, but I haven't had the chance to play with it yet. All of the open hockey around here requires a full mask. I coach too though, so I wore it at my team's practice this weekend and it's a pretty cool feeling having that thing on. But note to self and others, do not blow the whistle too loud when you're wearing a visor.... :blink:

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After switching to a visor, i found myself playing alot less intensively and being alot more cautious before battling down low for the puck and going into the corners. That really wasn't my style, so back to the cage i went. I wear a mouth guard even with my cage as it doesn't bother me much at all. Funny thing was 2 games later, i got an attempted dump right to the face. I was happy with my decision, that's for sure.

That was me 100%, except fpr the dump in right to the face!

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As soon as i turned 18 i put on an Oakley straight cut small visor and tilted it waaaay back. Now im playing Juniors in Canada its hard to get used to having to wear that covers my face. I find im more cautious when wearing the visor that covers my face though because i don't want it to go into my face and break my nose. No loss of intensity for me though, that's not my style lol.

I have to say i hate fighting with helmets on though, hurts more when you punch a visor lol.

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So now the question is, aren't all the Oakley visors supposed to come with a spacer kit, or did I just get ripped off?

I just got an Oakley visor today, and it came with the spacer kit inside the box. I definitely needed them to attach it to my Easton S9.

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