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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

Blackstone Flat-Bottom V Thread

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  forbs02 said:
Can you change the ROH with the spinner or do you have to stick a different one on? The video said it is set for 1/2". What do you do if you need something different?
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  JR Boucicaut said:
Yes, the Spinner will come in different ROHs. You just plug in the one you want. There's no wrench needed, it's essentially a cartridge. Takes seconds to switch them.
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Looking at the Accessories page of their website, you can buy different ROH spinners for $50 each (3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 1"). It doesn't appear that you can set an custom ROH between those presets. Also, it sounds like you can't pick the spinner of your choice when you buy it. You have to get the 1/2" and then pay another $50 to get what you really want.

Other than that, it looks promising and I'm looking forward to seeing more details and information put up on their website. Also looking forward to real world reviews.

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I can haz sharpener at home now?

Quick question: On the X02, what are the wires coming out of the left of the sharpener? Coming from my old big blademaster this look highly foreign.

Also, any bigger pictures?


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So what makes these Blackstone Portables better than a Wissota? Especially when you can't do ROH's between what the Spinners are, such as 7/16. Also, $50 each for every Spinner sounds like alot. Can anyone tell me why I should buy a Blackstone over a Wissota?


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  JR Boucicaut said:
Stronger motor, faster RPM, easier maintenance (I've taken out heads out of machines and Blackstone is very easy to do), dressing the wheel is much easier (I remember you had to bust out a calculator to figure out ROHs on a Wissota) better holder (every click is calculated and it is lighter), better tabletop, and 30 lbs lighter.

Give them a call, they will be more than happy to talk to you. They're technical guys over there. Tell them I sent ya.

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I would like to reply but I think I would be bias in my opinion. I know it is a lot easier to use than the wissotta and puts a much better finish. It also will be able to have the FBV on it which will be coming out very soon.

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FBV? I'm not sure what that means.

Also, isn't the ROH on a Wissota adjusted by moving the diamond point in our out, and lining up the graduated marks to the pointer? It doesn't sound like a calculator is needed.

Edited by chiefs17

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  chiefs17 said:
So what makes these Blackstone Portables better than a Wissota? Especially when you can't do ROH's between what the Spinners are, such as 7/16. Also, $50 each for every Spinner sounds like alot. Can anyone tell me why I should buy a Blackstone over a Wissota?


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The Wissota is a hunk of junk, you have to be very good at sharpening to consistently do a good job with one. I owned one and it was a pain in the ass. The spinner isn't cheap but it will save a lot of money in terms of wheel replacement. Dressing the wheel is faster and less wasteful than in the past.

  chiefs17 said:
FBV? I'm not sure what that means.

Also, isn't the ROH on a Wissota adjusted by moving the diamond point in our out, and lining up the graduated marks to the pointer? It doesn't sound like a calculator is needed.

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My Wissota only had a smooth steel quill, no markings at all. Changing hollows was pure guesswork, though I did get pretty good at estimating.

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The picture on Wissota's site shows a diamond dressing tool with a label on it that has graduations. Maybe yours was an older model or the diamond wasn't original. I'm surprised to hear that you think the Wissota is junk, that would be the first time I've heard that. Of course, most people that have one are probably only experienced in using one machine, so compared to nothing they think it's great!

I'm not biased in any way, but I'm looking to purchase a machine very soon and I'm doing all of my research now. Thanks for the replies so far.

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  chiefs17 said:
The picture on Wissota's site shows a diamond dressing tool with a label on it that has graduations. Maybe yours was an older model or the diamond wasn't original. I'm surprised to hear that you think the Wissota is junk, that would be the first time I've heard that. Of course, most people that have one are probably only experienced in using one machine, so compared to nothing they think it's great!

I'm not biased in any way, but I'm looking to purchase a machine very soon and I'm doing all of my research now. Thanks for the replies so far.

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The old ones did not have markings. I do know that they now do, but a lot of people have the old style and have to estimate.

  chiefs17 said:
FBV? I'm not sure what that means.
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Just wait :ph34r:

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its really cool. We have just started to ship them out to retailers. Basically it is putting a completely new edge on the blade allowing the skater to feel like they are skating on a 2" hollow but having the edges of a 5/8 cut. I am trying my best not to sell it to any of you however the testing that we have gone to is really exciting. We have improved the speed, agility and performance of professional players and all we had to do is sharpen there skates. The reason no one has heard to much about it is because we are protecting our property. We now are all set, and you should be starting to hear more about it in the near future. Sorry for any sales pitch you might have heard, however as a skate sharpener it is pretty exciting.

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Long time lurker, not many posts.

Here's my 0.02. Thought I'd throw in some love for the wissota. I have 3 boys, I skate 2-3 times per week and have an outdoor ice rink. So a skate sharpening machine was needed. I picked up the Wissota at the beginning of last year. Yes the website is very campy, the machine doesn't have much glitz, but it flat out works. Call them up and chat with them as well. Changing the ROH is a piece of cake. The wheel does spin opposite than most, but I've never done skates on a different machine.

I did my research and the wissota was the only think that fit my budget at the time. If you know what you're doing it'll work fine. I would definitely have considered the new blackstones as well, but they weren't available at the time.

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  SAK said:
its really cool. We have just started to ship them out to retailers. Basically it is putting a completely new edge on the blade allowing the skater to feel like they are skating on a 2" hollow but having the edges of a 5/8 cut. I am trying my best not to sell it to any of you however the testing that we have gone to is really exciting. We have improved the speed, agility and performance of professional players and all we had to do is sharpen there skates. The reason no one has heard to much about it is because we are protecting our property. We now are all set, and you should be starting to hear more about it in the near future. Sorry for any sales pitch you might have heard, however as a skate sharpener it is pretty exciting.
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Is this is a wheel we're talking about?

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  LkptTiger said:
  SAK said:
its really cool. We have just started to ship them out to retailers. Basically it is putting a completely new edge on the blade allowing the skater to feel like they are skating on a 2" hollow but having the edges of a 5/8 cut. I am trying my best not to sell it to any of you however the testing that we have gone to is really exciting. We have improved the speed, agility and performance of professional players and all we had to do is sharpen there skates. The reason no one has heard to much about it is because we are protecting our property. We now are all set, and you should be starting to hear more about it in the near future. Sorry for any sales pitch you might have heard, however as a skate sharpener it is pretty exciting.
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Is this is a wheel we're talking about?

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yes and no. I'm not sure how much information Steve wants us to give out.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
No, it is a different way to dress/shape the wheel.
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I think I understand...and if it's anything like what I'm thinking, it's probably a bit too complicated/involved for some of the idiots I work with. Of the guys who are actually allowed to touch the machine, there are one or two that have a hard time dressing the wheel without dropping the diamond on it as it is...

We don't use a Blackstone in my shop...but my team does, so I'm hoping I get a look at this real soon - my curiosity has definitely been piqued.

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  LkptTiger said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
No, it is a different way to dress/shape the wheel.
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I think I understand...and if it's anything like what I'm thinking, it's probably a bit too complicated/involved for some of the idiots I work with. Of the guys who are actually allowed to touch the machine, there are one or two that have a hard time dressing the wheel without dropping the diamond on it as it is...

We don't use a Blackstone in my shop...but my team does, so I'm hoping I get a look at this real soon - my curiosity has definitely been piqued.

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That's the beauty of the spinner, you have to be pretty dumb to screw it up.

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It is easier to use than any other dresser out there. Chad your right. there is no secret about this anymore its just to easy to be made complicated.

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Another Wissota user here. I have no complaints with it, although this is the only machine I have used. If you live close enough to the factory in Minnesota, the owner will give you a great 1 hour lesson on it. You can also go back any time and he always is willing to answer any questions or give you another demo.

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  karvy said:
Another Wissota user here. I have no complaints with it, although this is the only machine I have used. If you live close enough to the factory in Minnesota, the owner will give you a great 1 hour lesson on it. You can also go back any time and he always is willing to answer any questions or give you another demo.
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The people were always fantastic when I called and at the shows, the sharpener itself is just vastly inferior.

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SAK, is ther any news on the shipping date of the X01's, and also what is this new technology that I keep hearing about called FBV? I'm ready to buy a sharpener, but I need to know these things first.


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