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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tongue Cleaner

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I know a lot of people on here sport the white tongues, and I just bought a pair of One95's so I do as well. After just my first skate with them however, my finger sweat rubbed on the tongues when taking the skates off, and made the spot a gross brown color.

I was wondering what you guys use to keep the tongues perfectly white or close to it, thanks.

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Try a little bit of the Fantastik spray with bleach. I use that on my white sneakers. Either that or some kind of laundry stain remover.

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Try a little bit of the Fantastik spray with bleach. I use that on my white sneakers. Either that or some kind of laundry stain remover.

Thanks for the reply. I went to the Fantastik site and it seems that the OxyPower may be better then the Bleach spray. What do you think after reading the descriptions??

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Not really. Like JR said, it's hockey. I've seen people touch-up skates to clean them, but the tongue? If you want white gear staying whitey-white I suggest taking up cricket.

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