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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1 on 1 moves

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If the D isn't that great and you are a fast player with some good maneuverability i like to either toe drag it around the stick or put it between the stick blade and the legs (across the body of the D), then blow by him. If hes good, i either dump and chase, or go wide, stop at the hasmarks (if hes angling me) then cut to middle and shoot. Also, since I am a pretty fast skater, I usually skate to the hashmarks, back to the boards, and look for open passes. If there are none, heres what i do. I'm a righty, and the puck is on my backhand, stick facing the blue line (try to visualize), as the D comes in for the check I pull the puck across my body until the puck is on my forehand stick facing the goal line. I then avoid the check and cut to the net. Sounds more complicated than it is. :ph34r:

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I'm a righty, and the puck is on my backhand, stick facing the blue line (try to visualize), as the D comes in for the check I pull the puck across my body until the puck is on my forehand stick facing the goal line. I then avoid the check and cut to the net. Sounds more complicated than it is.  :blink:

Sounds well and good, but I am not sure that a decent defenceman will just stay on the same line and watch you blow by him without getting, at the very least, a good hand on your shoulder. Should this move work on the defenceman, I'm pretty sure there will be a backchecking forward or the defenceman's parter (if he doesn't have another guy to pick up) waiting to put his shoulder into your chin on the other side. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I'll try it in practice and see what happens.

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I don't have great dekes, but I have pretty good speed so I often try to slow down a bit coming across the blue line to get the D-man to slow down too, then accelerate and blow right past him. If that doesn't work I'm fooked.

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Well, mine is clsoe to that, only I start off at the blue, let the D get close, speed up, so he obviously does too, because who commits at the blue line, then i slow, so does he, then I suddenly give it everything. Usually blow right by them. That rarely does not work unless you have no time.

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I did this last week but I don't know if this is the Coffey move people have been discussing. I am a righty going down my off wing and I just try to skate as fast as I can and when I get enough speed and cross the blue line I sort of skate toward the defenseman (using a cross over to get speed and stick handle) and skate a bit toward the middle looking like I am about to pass and bring the stick back a bit but then I go wide and use the cross over to get speed and you should be in the clear.

I was able to get the dman to go in the middle and he just stopped because he couldn't change directions. (He is a good dman and not a slouch) Very thrilling to see and deke! wowowoooo!

Later, I almost overshot (cross over) skating but I faked a wide sweeping shot at the five hole, goalie went down and I skated backwards a bit to get a better position on the goalie going across the crease and shot it under a prone goalie's legs.

Man, I got such a high from doing that. It's fun!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

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I start going wide but i cut back in with a toe drag and explode lol its hard to explain i play D but i do it like 2 or 3 times a game cuz i rush the puck alot

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I start going wide but i cut back in with a toe drag and explode lol its hard to explain i play D but i do it like 2 or 3 times a game cuz i rush the puck alot

Everyone around here starts wide and cuts to the middle. When I play D, I'll give the outside and guys won't take it.

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I start going wide but i cut back in with a toe drag and explode lol its hard to explain i play D but i do it like 2 or 3 times a game cuz i rush the puck alot

Everyone around here starts wide and cuts to the middle. When I play D, I'll give the outside and guys won't take it.

Yep, give the goalie the shot if the guy wants to go short side, if not you cut him off between the circles.

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If i'm deep enough on my off-wing, i'll try to wait until i get to the hashmarks, cut to the middle, and snap a snot on net.

Yeah, snapping snot at the goal is always a good move :P

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I start going wide but i cut back in with a toe drag and explode lol its hard to explain i play D but i do it like 2 or 3 times a game cuz i rush the puck alot

I think I like to do something alot like you do, I am a lefty, and if I am going down the right side, and I have enough room, and I am in the show-offy mood. I will cut to the middle, then sharply change direction as soon the D-man makes some kind of move to knock the puck away, I give it a quick toe drag around him, and Im home free (unless of course the goalie saves it, or I got leveled by the D-man already, Which is what happenes most of the time) but that is my personal fav 1 on 1 move. Most of the time I just try to line the D-man up with the goalie and shoot through the mini screen I made, or wait for help.

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I just hand the puck over to them to save myself the embarrasement of trying any of this stuff. :lol:

If the puck is on my stick in the offensive zone, I'm shooting it at the net and chasing it. Since the D men I play against are so much better than me, I don't even waste the effort trying to put moves on them.

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