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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Blade Holders

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I was just wondering as to why so many pro's wear tuuks on their skates instead of the stock holers.

What are the advantages to say a pair of 9k's with e-pros or with tuuks?

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Tuuks are what most pros grew up skating on.

I don't really think that's the reason. Tuuks are very stiff and solid blades, the Custom + anyways. Pro's tend to go with the best stuff available.

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+1 for what they grew up with...

but to answer the other part of your question, they only advantage to either holder is if you feel more comfortable on it or it helps your skating. If it does neither than there is no advantage!

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Tuuks are what most pros grew up skating on.

I don't really think that's the reason. Tuuks are very stiff and solid blades, the Custom + anyways. Pro's tend to go with the best stuff available.

Not sure if you are comparing Custom+ to LS2s but if you are the LS's are a stiffer holder than the Custom+ which have more flex.

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I'm going to agree with the "thats what they grew up on"

Every once in a while you see guys skating on a certain holder then they'll switch back to the tuuk + because the other holders just don't feel the same. . .

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For me its all about the feel. TUUKs provide a sharper, nicer bite + quicker stop then any other holder I've tried. I prefer the profile as well to other holders. Most guys I know like the TUUKs over other frames. Allot of the "pro" guys in Melbourne skate on TUUKs. Some even have them fitted to non Bauer boots.

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I'm going to agree with the "thats what they grew up on"

Every once in a while you see guys skating on a certain holder then they'll switch back to the tuuk + because the other holders just don't feel the same. . .

I'm no pro, not by a longshot, but I had to go back to the Custom+ of my youth after trying a couple of pairs of skates with EPro holders. They just didn't feel the same.

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