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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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u+ goalie skates

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i have heard some rumors about them and im not quite sure what to believe. i saw the PHEW posted a pic of some ccm skates but who knows whether thats legit or not. anyone know of any plans to make a u+ goalie skate and if so, when the release is??

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your link didn't work on here... and seeing as im at a high school library computer, i can't get onto the facebook to put one up. but i know for a fact that somebody on PHEW put up a pic of what they claimed to be u+ goalie skates.

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I'm digging the black CustomLite cowling - skate looks pretty low-volume, though that's par for the course. I still don't know why they're pushing that pointless perforated runner, though... they really should just start using the Thrust Blades from the 9K.

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the black on black does look pretty cool. but still is anyone for sure about these things and a release date if they are real? i know Law Goalie knows his stuff so maybe you could research for a minute to see what you can find.

never mind.... found my answer

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...But they get credit because they don't have to take down or not post pics to begin with... That's why I even bothered correcting him. There are maybe 3-4 guys on there, that post, that know anything. In fact, that's why I check their posts, because they're funny.

*Disclaimer - Not all idiots are PHEW members and not all members of PHEW are idiots.

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If that's not the most jury-rigged skate I've ever seen, I don't know what it is. It's not a U skate, construction is nothing even close. The CCM and U labels look like they were cut off of something and glued on. The holder looks way out of wack IRT size and the tendon guard seem a bit high. The skate looks like a traditional leather skate as well, looks a lot like a Bauer. Certainly not the direction CCM is going. 09 is the yr for new CCM goal skates, the 3-yr cycle is up, but it's unlikely that's that's going to be a U skate.

Funny, I was dreaming today how I could get a player U skate, cut the tendon guard off and mount it to a RBK cowling.

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With your skills and equipment, a couple hours tops. I wouldn't even bother cutting off the tendon guard until you're absolutely sure it would get in the way. I've had my Flexlite boots in RBK cowlings for well over a year now, and the tendon's never been an issue.

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Nothing against anyone here, but do sorta wish there was more of a Goaltender Presence here on MSH. Do tend to see more Goaltender gear/news over on GSBB than here. I know it's dedicated to goaltenders unlike here, and not looking to start an argument or complain about anything but just thinking out loud.

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Sure, there's more stuff posted, but most of it's pretty vacuous. There are a few guys over there who really know their stuff (jf-laflaire, Wellsie, LOTC aka 'the other JR', Emile, Dana, kohomcm, mulliniks, Phil Maltese and others), but in general they're less and less active on the board; some have left entirely. I have nothing at all against the board, its administrators, or the community in general, and some of the back threads are still a great resource; I just don't have any great reason to be involved any more. When I do see a thread I'd post in, once in a blue moon, it usually gets zero attention. JFL had a thread about completely re-building a pair of pads from scratch to work as the perfect ball-hockey/street pad, and there were about four replies; got bumped off the first page in minutes for a couple dozen more 'Hot or Not' posts in the 'Official' threads.

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