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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another loss to the KHL

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Not being a dick, but had anybody got any evidence that the KHL is mob run or is it all he said she said type stuff?

Look up the people who own the teams and do some research.

I'm not familiar with any of the owners but I took a class on the Russian mob last year. It was taught by a guy who was an adviser to Yeltsin. You can not believe how screwed up things are over there because of the mafia influence in literally everything.

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Fewer players will see it as an option once they realize they might not actually get paid.


There have been reports that Ufa, the team that signed forward Alexander Radulov even though he was still under contract to the Nashville Predators, hasn't paid its players in three months.

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