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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R8 Lite's

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I've been debating on picking a pair of these up, seeing as they are a good price, and from what ive seen are tight fitting yet still mobile. the only thing that has been holding me back is the grip pad on the palms. Is there anyways or anywhere i can get these gloves without this grip pad, or if I bought them, could i tear it off?

and for those of you who do use the R8 Lites, is the grip palm noticable on your stick compared to a regular nash palm??

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I've been debating on picking a pair of these up, seeing as they are a good price, and from what ive seen are tight fitting yet still mobile. the only thing that has been holding me back is the grip pad on the palms. Is there anyways or anywhere i can get these gloves without this grip pad, or if I bought them, could i tear it off?

and for those of you who do use the R8 Lites, is the grip palm noticable on your stick compared to a regular nash palm??

Hmmm, the only ones I see with the TPS grip is the all-nylon R8 Pro Lites on HG.

If you're willing to go synthetic leather or 50-50, those have the short-lived FFH palms. I have the 50-50 version and the FFH palms start a little grippy but fade with time.

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Gotcha. I haven't used a TPS glove with their "standard" palm so I can't comment but based on other threads, I'd imagine you could get them repalmed if you wanted (do a search).

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I have both the ffh leather and the nash palm. The nash palm/ digi tech is not grippy at all. It's basically reinforcing the palm to prevent a rip. The leather is more comfortable however i dont think it'll last as long. Fit wise, leather is a touch looser and the nash is a little more snug. When it comes to feel i prefer the ffh since it feels softer and i can get a better feel for a stick as well. Other info, I have the 50/50 R8 lite. They are some nice mits i must say.

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Currently using the R8's. Great glove and I can't say I notice any difference between my Vapor XXX re-palmed pro stock V's the R8's with their little scrimpet of digi stiched on. I'm fairly certain its just nash underneath. You could always goto a drug store, buy a scalpel blade thats used for cutting sutures and remove the Digi palm.

I have done this before on gloves and their palms for use as a template for the re-palmer.

Blade no. 12


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I was looking at a pair of these this past weekend and had a similar thought. My conclusion was that it was better to just buy gloves with palms that you like. It seemed as though there was not only stiching, but adhesive between the digipalm and leather palm.


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