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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ID Rollerpop

Anyone have a line on used boards.

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I sit on the board of a non-profit youth roller hockey league in Boise Idaho. The league recently signed a long term agreement that is providing it with a home going forward for quite a while. As a result we are looking to try and improve the facility by putting up permanent boards (the league has only used four inch pads up until now). My question is if anyone might have a lead on a roller facility that may either have closed recently or is looking to upgrade its boards and might be willing to sell of the used set. Any other ideas are certainly welcome as we know we are looking at a large investment but are dedicated to trying to find something. By the way the facility in question is outside and upper glass or enclosures are not necessary but all help will be greatly appreciated.


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This was in the back of RINK magazine

Dasherboards For Sale

Two Sets of Dasherboards with tempered glass for sale, one is four years old, the second is only one year old. Cariier Refrigeration Package that is four years old. ALL PRICED TO SELL QUICK! Contact Mike Talkington 720-988-4898.

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we were going to get some on the cheap this past summer from a guy who was friends with someone in our league, but some idiot threw them away as soon as they were replaced :(

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Where do you live? Call Roustan United in Johnstown, PA. www.roustanunited.com They have a set of used boards they are looking to get rid of.

This is the same company that is owned by Graeme Roustan whom owns Bauer.

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