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Vapor XV shafts still around?

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Is anybody aware of a place that might still have 87 flex Vapor XV shafts for sale? I've used various other tapered shafts but I really love the grip and dimensions of the XV. Its kick is a bit more responsive I find as well. Any suggestions?

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If memory serves, the Dolomite is almost the exact same shaft as the old Bauer XV.

dolo is the old innovative 1100

And Inno used to make Bauer sticks, so that all kind of fits.

Never used one of the shafts (people said they would torque too much), but I LOVED the blades. I recently gave one away by mistake; I had painted it black & didn't recognize it until I saw the blue when the guy broke it .

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I've been looking for the Vapor XV tapered shaft as well and haven't had much luck. Called playersbench.com and asked the sales person if they can look thru their stock but there weren't any.

I found some places that has the vapor XV in 102 flex though (too stiff for me).

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I bought the first version of the dolomite in flex 75 a couple years back and the shaft is a little bit chunkier (like a xxx lite actually) compared to the XV. it's a also a little heavier (either that or the weight is distributed differently making it feel heavier).

I broke the dolomite two weeks ago and kept the broken end. I'll peel off some layers but right now i'm not seeing anything that would indicate it's a repainted XV.

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I didn't say it was repainted.

I said the inner sticker as in the sticker inside the shaft which states what mold it was made from. Take out the butt end and you'll see what I mean.

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