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Sony Ericsson 580i

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Hey, I have a Sony Ericsson 580i cell phone coming to me on order, just wondering if there is anything I should watch for or if there is any problems. Thanks

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I've used Ericsson and Sony-Ericsson phones for the last eight years or so and they have all been very good. The only issue was with the last one, it spins to open and the screws holding it to the spin plate fell off. The phone still works and it could be used if I replaced the screws.

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Hey, I have a Sony Ericsson 580i cell phone coming to me on order, just wondering if there is anything I should watch for or if there is any problems. Thanks

Sorry I have no opinions on the specific phone BUT my SE C902 croaks on me every now and then be it a new battery or falling off buttons or overheating.

Sony Ericssons have been good to me in alot of other respects though I supose... :(

/pretty drunk mwahahahaha :P

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The speaker on mine broke after a few months. Seeing as it is a Walkman phone, that was kind of a big deal for me. The battery is also less than stellar. During the period when everything was functional, however, the phone was great. I have yet to scratch the screen badly or break any keys (I've had it since April '08).

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Thanks guys, I didnt ask beforehand because I watched a couple Youtube vids and it seemed good. Just wanted to know any personal experiences. Thanks.

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