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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slapshot 3

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i want my 4 bucks back from blockbuster. it reminded me of MVP... disneys Most Valuable Primate. oh and by the way, mark messier should just dissapear after being in this film, bad call on his part.

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I can't believe people are upset/surprised that this is bad. It's like a random conversation with friends and one mentioned that Scorpion King 2 was bad. Like it took a viewing to know that.

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this one cant be any worse than slap shot 2 with that guy who played barney rubble in the flintstones movie. to bad. it think he is a baldwin brother maybe?

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yeah he is a baldwin brother....i think he was the one in biodome too...oh yeah that was sequal too..

I think I'd rather have my eyes gouged out with an extremely dull spoon then watch Slapshot 2 and 3...nothin even comes close to the 1st...never will

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Thank You Netflix,

Just finished watching. I had low expectations going in, but I had to see for myself, this is worse than i had imagined.

The original keeps getting better.

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