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Sherwood buys TPS

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Any patents are owned by Hillerich & Bradsby and NOT TPS Hockey, so, you are wrong in that the money they (TPS Hockey) owed can go towards payment.


They wouldn't get the name/brand TPS as it is a registered trademark of Hillerich & Bradsby.

If they do not get the name nor the IP what is it Sherwood would be geting? The employees? Office space? Factories? I am a bit curious as it ~sounds~ like they are spending money for not much.

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Maybe its a fire sale similar to the JPM/Chase takeover of WaMu from the FDIC. Just speculation as I dont know much about the situation, but...perhaps Sherwood is picking at the bones of a company that has one foot in the grave with the other one to join imminently. They may not get patents or names, but can get infrastructure, inventory, employees, facilities, etc for ridiculously low prices. Again, just speculation.

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Well, if Sherwood can get their composite technology, or at least get the engineers, maybe they can finally release a decent composite line.

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...but...but...it's Sher-Wood. The Momentum Comp was an incredible shaft and the tapered blades were top-notch. Did it sell?

TPS is another company that just couldn't get over the hump. Started out hot with Response and XN10, then kept on drifting along.

Well, if Sherwood can get their composite technology, or at least get the engineers, maybe they can finally release a decent composite line.

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...but...but...it's Sher-Wood. The Momentum Comp was an incredible shaft and the tapered blades were top-notch. Did it sell?
Well, if Sherwood can get their composite technology, or at least get the engineers, maybe they can finally release a decent composite line.

The one I tried was not what I would call incredible, at least in terms of performance.

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...but...but...it's Sher-Wood. The Momentum Comp was an incredible shaft and the tapered blades were top-notch. Did it sell?

Agreed... But at the same time it had a bland graphics package and I know quite a few people were confused as to whether it was a true composite or not due to the Eclipse, Axion, and other AirCore Momentum sticks.

I heard nothing but great things from people who actually used the product but they were too slow as the technology changed... They went from a second tier company to scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

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...but...but...it's Sher-Wood. The Momentum Comp was an incredible shaft and the tapered blades were top-notch. Did it sell?
Well, if Sherwood can get their composite technology, or at least get the engineers, maybe they can finally release a decent composite line.

The one I tried was not what I would call incredible, at least in terms of performance.

Might not have been to your standards, but better than some mfgrs' top offerings. ;)

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Both Sher-Wood and TPS both had seriously lame protective lines as well. I'm interested in hearing what you guys thought of the quality of TPS's stuff... I acquired a ton of it on closeout and I was amazed at just how mediocre it was. Even the "high end" R8 series stuff was like on pair with middle of the line NBH or RBK gear. It's uncomfortable, has no shelf appeal, and doesnt't really look like any real effort went into the design... I mean, OK, the pants are decent and I'm not including the gloves obviously so why was this stuff so boring?

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I used one of their XD blades for a while...pretty decent blade. I wonder if they would benefit from a new "brand"? Did they go SWD to distance themselves from Sher-WOOD?

It's got to be tough to break into that market. Everyone seems to be happy with something from Easton, Bauer, CCM, Reebok, or Warrior. Mission and TPS couldn't bust out with a good product. And if people didn't like Sherwood before, it will be tough to change that stereotype (95% of the guys on my team seem to stick with one brand for their sticks, even if they use the cheap models).

I suppose the best thing for them would be to focus into a lineup with price point, midrange, and high end sticks, and get sales reps to really push them in stores with displays. It seems to be working really well for the new Bauers and CCM...everyone is wandering over to the displays and playing with them.

Oh, and the Sher-wood 5030's are awesome. The rest of their protective gear I wouldn't touch...

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Because you don't see protective equipment? I think they realized they couldn't compete with NBH and RBK (since they own CCM/JOFA/KOHO), so they focused primarily on their gloves and sticks. Which is what the pros would use from them anyway. None of there endorsers used there protective stuff. I think if they only sold sticks and gloves their profit margin would be MUCH better.

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Love my R8 Pro Lite gloves. They are a great piece of hockey equipment and allot better then some of the "top of the line" gloves I have used in the past from both Easton and NBH.

Also, Im curious, I once saw a pair of TPS inline skates being used locally. Never got a chance to ask the guys about it but. Were these a SMU or something?

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On your second note, YES, someone can use any patent so long as you pay the amount the patent holder wants in order for you to use it. How much that amount is can EASILY be made so high that it wouldn't be worth it.

LOL, so they could make no money sitting on these things, or they can make money because someone may actually want it?

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I love both my Momentum Comp shafts and the 950 blades are ace. I also am all about my 9950 gloves, so this is exciting for me. I'm a huge sherwood fan, hopefully this will at least give them some capital to create some new quality products.

However, I do think it's a shame that so many smaller companies are going the way of the dodo. These small companies kept the larger ones on their toes, I think this lack of competition may hurt equipment in the long run.

At this rate someday we'll be seeing a Easton/Bauer/Rbk monopoly company.

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Any news on Sherwood's current status regarding the purchase of TPS? Did they ever acquire or license any of TPS' patents or did they merely obtain an assignment of the TPS trademark?

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Maybe this has been addressed in other threads, but does anyone have a better understanding now of how the Sherwood\TPS deal went down. I've heard all sorts of conflicting stuff...

Now I just saw a "Louisville Xlite" cheapo composite at a local sporting goods store which really confused the heck out of me since it had a "Coffey" pattern on it. I was under the assumption that Sherwood just got the TPS branding. Any info or links you can provide would be apreciated.


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