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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the word on the new TPS XN10 Chrome?

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I just did a search and read a 12 page thread about the "successor" to the TPS XN10 - a thread that ended up being 99% speculation prior to it's release with one guy having actually used the stick for one game and posting that he liked it pretty well (Spreedizzle) and that was it. Not finding any other impressions of it. Anyone else used one that would like to give me some insight?

I had an RedLite XN10 whip flex shaft that I got used last summer, loved that shaft but it got unfortunately snapped by some guy so that was the end of that - only got to use it for like 6 games.

My current sticks that I use most often are a Mission Fuel TI-Pro 85 flex and an Easton Synergy II with a CCM 8.0 Steen blade in it. I really like the Fuel TI Pro and the Synergy II w/ CCM blade is OK but not awesome.

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I figure at $95 with shipping it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I have an R10 and love it, but feel it may not last me in the long run. (Since my first one broke right before the warranty).

I really hope TPS is going away completely. If I had more money I would stock up as much as I could.

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I bought two XN10's recently, Nash blade regular flex. My main stick prior to this was Synergy ST with a Sakic blade, 100 flex. The blades are fairly similiar although I think the Nash curve is closer to mid toe than the Sakic. The regular flex is nice for loading wrist shots. The XN10 seems to have a slightly higher kick point but that is my judgement based on two uses. I will be playing again tonight and will use both the Synergy and the TPS for comparison. The shaft is shiny enough to use as a mirror. (great if you want to see who is chasing you into the corners!) Seriously, there is no grip material and feels kind of slick, but it hasn't been an issue with control. Slapshots feel great but I haven't taken many to really compare.

The blade has held up pretty well with some serious collisions woth pucks and skates. I picked these up for less than $90 from hockeygiant when they went on sale about one month ago. They are back up to 180 now. I could not pass up the sale price and am glad I bought these. I'll update more as I use these.

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I bought three of the TPS XN10 Chrome sticks and let my godson borrow one of them (Broke his new Vapor XXXX) and I dont think I'll ever see my XN10 back. He scored his 1st varsity goal as a soph with it the other night. I've gotten maybe 6-7 texts from him regarding how "badass" the stick is. Looks like another XN10 convert.

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The blade is not the best in the world, durable as anything else but not the best feel ever. Shaft is brilliant, as expected. Coating takes away the old XN10 feel of the shaft and makes it slick. VERY shiny, but still looks good. Taped one up and the other is sitting in plastic untouched. :)

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XN10 R2 = best shaft i ever used.

And that's why I have half a dozen in the closet

That kind of gloating is Busch League my friend...that's Busch. J/K


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XN10 R2 = best shaft i ever used.

And that's why I have half a dozen in the closet

That kind of gloating is Busch League my friend...that's Busch. J/K


No, posting a pic of my XN10s and R9s would have been bush. That was just a little dig. ;)

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