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Speeding Ticket

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Not sure how it is in the US, but here in Canada these Tickets and Notices are in fact Bills and therefore they come under the Bills of Exchange Act.

The way to deal with them is to first understand what some of the words on them actually mean. Then you must realize that you have options not mentioned on the Tickets themselves. Once you have a basic understanding of what it is you are actually dealing with, you can better defend yourself against them. You think you have to fight these tickets, and that is exactly what they want you to do.

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few things...

1- talk to the DA in the court room before you're called... tell him what happened and say you have a clean record, etc... Sometimes the DA can reduce the charges to maybe "improper equipment" (equivalent of a turn signal light being out). Least its a common practice to do this in NC courts.

2- if you want to go not guilty, and the cop used a radar gun, challenge his ability to have accurately tagged your vehicle. If the van was near you it's a bigger radar target and you can contest that he flagged the van. also, if there were other cars around you, same thing. Additionally, you're going to want to ask the cop what the weather was like, what the traffic conditions were, what color the van was, all sorts of shit. If you catch him saying i don't know, counter with, "how do you know it was me you tagged"... But contesting it is difficult.

3- in addition to no contest, if your court system has a prayer for judgment plea, take that. Essentially it means everything is set aside for like 3 years maybe. If you dont get pulled, it goes away. if you do, the ticket you used the PJ on comes back.

4- some states have different penalty structures. My mom got pulled in jersey and had the option of double points no fine, or double fine and no points. Or standard points and fines.

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I always contest my tickets (I've had a bunch) and I've never gotten the points. Usually one of two things happens - the cop doesn't show and the judge sends me on my way, or they knock down the charge and I pay the fine or a reduced fine and court costs.

As for a no contest plea, basically what you're saying is "I am not going to contest this charge." You're not admitting guilt, nor are you claiming innocence

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As for a no contest plea, basically what you're saying is "I am not going to contest this charge." You're not admitting guilt, nor are you claiming innocence

Exactly - and then they go by your record. Chances are that since it is your first violation, they will let you slide.

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As for a no contest plea, basically what you're saying is "I am not going to contest this charge." You're not admitting guilt, nor are you claiming innocence

Right, it's an admission that the state has sufficient evidence to find you guilty, and admitting nothing about the crime. In cases of speeding tickets it's fine, more serious stuff, a guilty plea with allocution can be better in hopes of more lenient sentencing.

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Yeah, I noticed that about MI. Even the cops will write you for 5 over to take the chance that you pay it off. I got nailed in Taylor a couple of yrs back going 20 over and he reduced it to 5 on the spot. I heard they built the Sportsplex on traffic violation money.

I got a ticket last week in Taylor (going 57 on Telegraph) they knocked it down to impeding traffic. Ended up with a ticket for $150 and no points.

How did you plea Howe?

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In OK, if you want to contest a traffic ticket you show up to municipal court at 8 am the day your fine is due (you can get a 2 week extension if you need it) and they schedule you on the day's docket. Depending on how busy it is, you could be there until lunch or even all day. I think you basically need to hope the cop doesn't show up but I've heard that's pretty rare. You can get some citations/fines commuted to community service also.

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After you request an informal hearing, about how long after do they schedule it?

In a town like Romulus, probably a couple of weeks after.

Big city like Miami (like my first few tickets, like 3 mos)

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So I have a court date set. I just realized the officer only cited me for 1-5 over. He wrote 60 mph on the ticket though. How would this affect the hearing? I just want the points taken off.

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The Officer will show up with his notes that indicate your actual speed. If you just want the points gone, ask about making a charitable donation or seeing if the charge can be changed to a non-moving violation.

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So I have a court date set. I just realized the officer only cited me for 1-5 over. He wrote 60 mph on the ticket though. How would this affect the hearing? I just want the points taken off.

Told ya...it's part of the trap. They'll put the speed but they will cite you for 5 over, making you think you are getting a "break."

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Can I still get a real break?

Nobody can know the answer to that question, its dependent on about a 1,000 things.

I've worked in many courts from the federal to the county level, additionally when I was in my teens I had more than my fair share of tickets so I'm intimately familiar with the system in PA. Your state's will most likely be very similar.

At your informal hearing it will just be you, the officer and what in PA they call a District Justice. Unless you are in a big city it will most likely be the same for you, in bigger cities there is an assigned judge in traffic court. The judge will ask you to state the basics of why you are hear today, what you did or didn't do and why you are contesting the ticket. After your done the officer will give a short summary of why he or she pulled you over and what they did procedurally. At this point the judge will probably ask you a view questions to determine what type of person you are. Drunk, habitual violator, wife beater or just some dude who wants a little break on his ticket. After this the judge may have a quick private chat with the officer and then make a ruling. In larger cities you can sometimes get lucky, if the docket for a particular judge is packed they will wave a lot of the lower violation cases because they don't feel like/don't have time for you in that case they may ask you what you did and rule.

Certain things are likely to help your cause;

1. Be respectful at all times, you can disagree with what the officer says but it needs to be done in a respectful manner

2. Address them with their proper title Sir, Mam, Honorable, Sargent, whatever

3. Dress nicely

4. DON"T INTERRUPT, even if officer so and so says your Osama and you should be sent to Gitmo wait until their done

5. Have you story and what your asking for prepared in advanced

6. Be honest, judges and most police officers are people just like you and me - they have heard tons of BS before and don't care to hear it again

7. Drop the Law and Order BS

If it was me I would go in and state very nicely that I did what the ticket says I did. I didn't intend to waste the courts or the officers time but I financially I'm in a tough time and that I would gladly play a larger fine/do community service/donate to charity to change the violation to a non-points violation this will keep your insurance from rising and keep points of your license.

You aren't getting out without paying unless you can prove you didn't do it or the officer fails to show up. Both aren't all that likely so play the cards you got.

BTW most States realize that sometimes you can't lay out $200 in short order, payment plans are available. In some areas you can actually do community service to pay off tickets though that option is generally reserved for those over the age of 18.

PM me if you have more specific questions

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BTW most States realize that sometimes you can't lay out $200 in short order, payment plans are available. In some areas you can actually do community service to pay off tickets though that option is generally reserved for those over the age of 18.

The one time I got a ticket in NY they jerked me around and gave me the option of reducing the charge, then asked if I would need some extra time to pay the ticket. They gave me 30 days to pay so I waited 29 and fedexed them the check. The funny thing was that I had the cash/check with me in court, they just pissed me off enough that it was worth the extra couple bucks to make them wait the full 30 days.

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BTW most States realize that sometimes you can't lay out $200 in short order, payment plans are available. In some areas you can actually do community service to pay off tickets though that option is generally reserved for those over the age of 18.

The one time I got a ticket in NY they jerked me around and gave me the option of reducing the charge, then asked if I would need some extra time to pay the ticket. They gave me 30 days to pay so I waited 29 and fedexed them the check. The funny thing was that I had the cash/check with me in court, they just pissed me off enough that it was worth the extra couple bucks to make them wait the full 30 days.

It wasn't Whitehall was it ? That tiny town seems to specialize in jerking people around.

I had a client tell me about paying a $300 registration ticket in Philly with quarters, said the desk lady though it was actually kind of funny but made him wait while she counted it out.

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BTW most States realize that sometimes you can't lay out $200 in short order, payment plans are available. In some areas you can actually do community service to pay off tickets though that option is generally reserved for those over the age of 18.

The one time I got a ticket in NY they jerked me around and gave me the option of reducing the charge, then asked if I would need some extra time to pay the ticket. They gave me 30 days to pay so I waited 29 and fedexed them the check. The funny thing was that I had the cash/check with me in court, they just pissed me off enough that it was worth the extra couple bucks to make them wait the full 30 days.

It wasn't Whitehall was it ? That tiny town seems to specialize in jerking people around.

I had a client tell me about paying a $300 registration ticket in Philly with quarters, said the desk lady though it was actually kind of funny but made him wait while she counted it out.

Don't recall, it was a long time ago.

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I drove from Ann Arbor to Birch Run for black friday shopping and I saw at least 10 cars getting pulled over. WTF is wrong with this state? At one area, there were about 5 police cars camping.

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Tickets are very much about the money, Romulus is full of shit.

And people drive way too fast to begin with. In my mind penalties for anything more than 15 over should be heavily increased. My ex had to go to traffic school for her ticket and she had a few wonderful stories about the characters in there- driving on a 3-time suspended license while drunk, caught while going 60 in a 35 on a suspended license, etc etc.

People need to slow the hell down, I see WAY too many people going 20 over, blow by me and then stop at the red light. Come on people.

I admit I go 80 on the PA turnpike even through the 55 (55 on a highway? come on!) zones, but it seems I'm small potatoes and I've gone by speed traps. There are still people in full-size SUVs and old, small Saturns that leave me in their dust though.

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your best bet is to do a written trial insted of a in person trial.

pretty much insted of showing up in front of the judge and the cop you just write out your plea and send it in and the cop does the same.

and i think if a cop has to apear in court they are paid 2 hours of overtime but they dont get paid for any extra time for the written trial so they are less likley to take the time out of there day to write something other than a ticket.

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