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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Debate with a friend.

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So a buddy and I were waching a junior game, and noticed the goalie was right handed, and we were wondering if they were considered right handed because of the way they shoot, or the hand they caught with.. I thought it was the latter, but i was just guessing, what do you guys think?

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It is actually both.

A Standard goalie catches with the left hand and shoots with a left-handed curved stick.

A Full Right catches with the right hand and shoots a right-handed stick, hence the name, full right.

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So, just for future purposes, Jose Theodore catches right and shoots right, that makes him too a Standard goalie? Or are there Standard Left goalies and Standard Right goalies?

edit: Misread JR's post. I got my answer.

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a guy i skate with catches left handed, but shoots right handed.

he turns his stick 180 degrees, blocker grabs right above paddle, catch hand grabs the nob of the stick.

he looks like he is shoveling the puck when he passes.

other than a back hand slap, i have never seen him NOT turn his stick around to pass.

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José Théodore is considered full right. It's based on the catching hand. Trapper in the right hand is full right. Trapper in the left hand is regular. Just go to any online store and look at goalie gear. gloves are labelled as regular or full right. If we had to have what stick hand they used on top of that we'd get half right for a guy like Theordore who catches right but shoots left and so on which would only complicate matters for nothing.

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i uses the trapper on my left hand but when i play player, i shoot right. what kind of goalie stick should i ask for when i play the puck?

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if you shoot opposite from what you play goalie as and you don't want to flip the stick like cujo... which i would advise you not to do. use the turco grip. turco grip is becoming huge nowadays

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