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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good luck you guys

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I'm hoping it heads toward Columbia, I hear they'd let school out if that was the case. Plus there would be some serious looting of the local liquor stores. :)

Nice. My friend is going to go to Best Buy after the storm to pick up a few games and perhaps a Plasma, with the 5 finger discount.

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I'm hoping it heads toward Columbia, I hear they'd let school out if that was the case. Plus there would be some serious looting of the local liquor stores.  :)

Nice. My friend is going to go to Best Buy after the storm to pick up a few games and perhaps a Plasma, with the 5 finger discount.

I hope he dies. Really don't prefer how, but it'd be nice to read about some dickhead getting hit by a palm tree or lightning.

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This thing is going to farkin insane. I still cannot get how big these waves are going to be this big. I feel real sorry for you guys far down south.

This is our week in NY, how many thousands of miles away from where its hitting:

9/5/2004: 7-10feet.

9/6/2004: 6-9feet

9/7/2004: 19-25feet

9/8/2004: 22-25feet.

I cannot believe we'll be breaking the 15foot mark here in new york. If it gets to be 19-25 you can bet i wont be in school. I'll be at the beach watching those bombs break all day.

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"Frances continues to weaken but remains a powerful category-3

Frances is still a dangerous category-3 hurricane but the good news is that the central pressure has risen considerably and winds have come down a bit."

Looks like there may be some good news after all, guess we will know more tomorrow. My uncle already wnet up to Georgia. hope all goes well for thoes of you who stayed...

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