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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet ear protect

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Having used the Cooper XL7 and the Jofa "Klima" helmets over the years I can say the new ear guards are not bothersome at all. I don't take them out, I guess I don't need to look Pro ;)

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I take mine out also. They really hurt if you get hit there and I found that taking them out really alleviates this problem. This last weekend though the ref called me on them. He said that if I didn't get them in I couldn't play. First time it had ever happened to me. I then pointed out that many people on the other team also didn't have them in so he decided to not enforce it.I understand that it is a USA hockey rule but seriously, talk about a picky referee.


PS-my coach is now making our team put them back in but, one of mine is cracked, so does anyone know where I can get some new ones? Or do you suggest just stealing them off and old helmet? (helmet is a 5500)

Nothing pickey about it... officials are supposed to look for stuff like illegal helmets, ripped pant legs showing skin, goalies not wearing any socks, etc in warm ups so that it gets corrected before the game. USA Hockey says that the helmet and cage are to be HECC certified... if you take aything off, alter the pads, paint it, add stickers... that makes it illegal.... it's a safety issue. A couple years ago sent a team off in playoffs either league or Districts don't remember which. They had 7 good helmets between them and rotated helmets....

I agree that they can be uncomfortable and take them out of my helmets... but I can do that as I am not required to be HECC approved, only to wear a black hockey helmet.

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I took mine out on my old CCM helmet, but left them in on my 6k, partly because I couldn't get the frickin' things out. Playing with them in, I don't notice any difference. I'm glad I kept them in because I've been hit in the ear twice, once by a stick and once by an elbow or something, and both times it hurt pretty bad. Without them in, I think I would've had a minor headache for a little.

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When I had a Jofa 690, I removed them because they were irritating. Now with a RBK 8K, they don't bother me so I left them in. BTW, Crosby and Malkin do okay with ear protectors.

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BTW, Crosby and Malkin do okay with ear protectors.

Not into hero worship.... those guys would probably do just fine with an old leather Cooper SK20.....

If you are required by rule to wear them then leave them in... if you are an adult then you are responsible for your own actions and can remove them...

If the manufacturers designed them to seamlesly fit the INSIDE shell profile rather than an add on afterthought they would be a lot more comfortable and people might just leave them in. The main reason I remove them is that I have never had a helmet that didn't give me a headache because of the fasteners holding them in that wasn't immediately relieved by their removal.

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