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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece stick question

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i was at my local rink yesterday, looking at an intermediate shaft and it seemed really small, only just came to my chin without skates on. Im 5'8".

My question is, will an intermediate shaft with a senior blade be the same size as an intermediate OPS or should i get a senior shaft?

any input would be greatly appreciated.

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I've been wondering the same thing. While browsing shafts online most of the intermediate ones I found were 49" or 51", but the intermediate woodie I have is listed at 56", and I wasn't sure if they were measuring the same length or not.

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Senior standard shafts are usually 48" with a 3" plug, some like the One90 now come longer. Senior tapered usually start at 51" uncut with no plug. Look online, some companies and stores are really good about listing shaft length.

If you take that intermediate shaft and also grab a senior shaft, are they the same length? Are you wondering if an intermediate shaft, with no blade, will be long enough for you when it's already only a few inches short?

Sticks are usually measured from the top to the heel. A standard blade may add 6-8" to the overall length depending on the hosel, so a 51" shaft would wind up being 57-60" stick.

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I am a two piece guy, so I can give you my measurements of the standard and tapered shafts I have:

One90 - 54" (standard)

TPS XN10 and Easton Ultralite - 48" (standard)

Mission flyweight (thanks JR!!!) - 53" (tapered)

RBK Sickick 7K - 56" (tapered)

In comparison to OPS, as I have a few of them, then only ones that come as tall as I like my two piece are the CCM U+ and the old Easton Synergy. All other retail sticks are about 2" short. Of course, this is all Sr sizing.

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Intermediate shaft came to your chin without skates with or without a blade?

I had an XN10 intermediate tapered shaft that needed about a 2-3 inch plug, an intermediate Mission tapered shaft that was about the right length without a plug, an intermediate TPS standard shaft that needed about a 4-5 inch plug, and my current Mission intermediate stick that needed to be cut down about an inch.

If the shaft with the blade is close to the length you need, a 2-3 inch plug wouldn't make a huge difference. If it would still be very short, keep looking, or maybe check out a whippy standard shaft.

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ok thanks guys

seen as how this will be a one95 shaft, i dont want to waste my money in getting a shaft that may be too small. I will go with an 85flex senior shaft and cut it down a little if it is needed.

thanks for your help.


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