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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wayne gretzky and dead brands

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We all know Jofa got bought by RBK or The Hockey company or however it went down. But what happened to Titan sticks, Daoust [sp] skates, Hespeler, etc. Also Wayne used nike skates at the end of his career and they're now out of hockey. Is easton the last surviving brand that the great one used for an extended period, at least visibly, or am I missing something.

Side note: Whatever happened to Vic/Victoriaville?

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pretty sure the Hespeler & Vic brands (or right to use) were bought by the Forzani Group - they put out price point sticks with those brands

Titan is lumped w/Jofa

I think Daoust is still around or maybe made by someone else now

TPS bought by Sher-Wood but who knows if they'll stay separate

maybe Gretz is hockey's version of the 'EA Madden NFL' cover curse LOL!

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Daoust was swallowed up by can-star I believe. Titan was part of The Hockey Company but when they were purchased by Adidas/Reebok, they, like KOHO and Jofa, were phased out. Also can't forget about Wayne's perfecta holders. I have no idea what happened to them.

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I think Perfectas' ribbed stiffener concept got incorporated into the Cobra blade holders.

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