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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Waxed White laces with blue tracers....

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I'm looking for a couple pairs - I know they used to be around a few years ago - anyone know where I can find them now?

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And, IMO - Elite laces = pure crap. They're idea of "waxed" is laughable at best. Same with AR laces.

Seriously. I got a pair and was like... where's the wax?

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And, IMO - Elite laces = pure crap. They're idea of "waxed" is laughable at best. Same with AR laces.

Seriously. I got a pair and was like... where's the wax?

OT - love the avatar. I can't wait for the film!!

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Me neither, but I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I hope they can get all the main characters to sign on for the film, (I heard Michael Cera won't be back?) or else it wouldn't be the same. Regardless, I'd probably still be happy even if it had half the original cast, just because FOX killed one of my favorite shows in it's prime. :rolleyes:

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Howie's Hockey Tape also makes them. They are pretty good laces too.


Are you sure they're white with blue? The pics look like white/black to me.

Also, Philbrick's doesn't have them in stock, so the search continues....

I'm getting mine from Philbrick's -


I'm hoping they're Tex-Lite (Graf).

And, IMO - Elite laces = pure crap. They're idea of "waxed" is laughable at best. Same with AR laces.


D'oh, that's what I meant. It was late....

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Yeah, they are white with blue. I ordered them thinking they were black... but they were blue. I wasn't too happy about it. It's a good lace though.

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