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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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He does it again....

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If its just a "pull back roofer" why arent there more players pulling it?

He can do it, other players can't, at least not reliably enough. Watch it at full speed and you'll see what I mean. The only other guy who might be able to pull that is Kovalev.

Really, it's a perfectly reliable move if you can pull it off. Because you are committing, and then uncommiting. That's the key. You can't just pretend to commit to the shot. You have to take the shot to the point where the goalie has no choice but to react before you make your move.

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Wow, I honestly didn't even know he had any different moves than the pull back roofer he seems to pull every other shootout!

He has only done that move three times in his NHL carear. The last time he did it was 2006, I would hardley call that every other shootout.

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He has only done that move three times in his NHL carear. The last time he did it was 2006, I would hardley call that every other shootout.

You guys not too good at picking up sarcasm, yeah? Obviously he can shake and bake in every way with the best of them (not just this move) but when you search Pavel Datsyuk on YouTube it seems like these moves are the first 10 or so hits you get.

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One would think that goalies would be smart enough to start poke checking him.

if they did he probably would do something silly stupid and make the goalies look worse. just take what he gives you and hope you get lucky. he is too good at shoot outs

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