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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Help.

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Hey All, looking for some advice from an educated LHS Employee, as the guys I trusted years ago at my LHS are gone, and I am making a hockey comeback, and am not exactly sure the pimply faced kid looking to sell me a shiny new pair of $700.00 skates has my best interests in mind since I am not in there twice a week anymore.

Basically I played 4-5 times a week from the time I was 7 till I got married at 21.

Once I got out of Minor Hockey and Junior I hung them up, for like 6 years now. Hurt my knee bad and am just now getting the fire back to go play again.

I have gone to some pick up games with buddies the last few weeks and found my 9 year old Bauer Supreme 7000's are making my feet hurt, specifically on the outside of my feet between the pinky toe and the ankle joint, and my toes go numb, or feel cold... I never had this problem before when I was playing tonnes. I have tried everything as far as how I lace them up, how tight, etc...

When I stopped playing a lot I was approx 205 lbs, and am probably between 215 and 220 now (thanks to my damaged knee ligaments and meniscus from a soccer injury)

I have a very wide foot and I am a very strong skater.

Question 1: Would I benefit from having my skates re-baked and/or punched?

Question 2: What is the technology like these days in comparison to the 7000's that were the cream of the crop when I bought them at that time? I was told that a $175 pair of skates I can pick up at the local big box store is as technologically advanced as the 7000's were then.

Question 3: With my feet being quite wide, which skates would be the ones? I hear Mission's are good for guys with wide feet...And Bauers tend to be more narrow. The kid actually recommended I pick up a pair of RBK 9k Pump Seconds they have on for like $449.00 CDN

I have read over many many threads, and sorry if any of this is redundant, just looking for a bit of specific advice.

Cheers and thanks in advance for the potential advice/help.

Basically I will be playing a pick up game once a week, and come spring will be back playing on a team once a week in a game plus the weekly pick up game, so no need for something bulletproof or "top of the line" since I have time to take care of them properly and won't be on them 4-6 times a week.

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question 1: you could try it but it may not help. what was the width on the 7000s . your foot may have expand width wise. if they are d width you may need to go with a ee width

question 2: yes

question 3: do you trust this guy's advise? you should try on as many pairs as you can until you find the ones that fit you best. if your shop doesn't have what you need or want look on the web to find closeout deals on older skates.

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If you decide to buy new skates the advice you are most likely to get here will be to try on as many pairs as you can and get the ones that fit properly.

It is really hard to say which skate brand will fit best as almost all models have a different fit that may not work for everyone. If you are looking for volume I hear and am told the RBK's are a pretty high volume skate. As for the Mission's I have always been told they fit narrower so perhaps they are not best.

Any way you could find a different LHS? There has to be one within a reasonable distance that can provide some help.

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lack of blood flow maybe?

That's my guess too... maybe it's getting cut off in a certain spot just enough to cause the toes to go numb.

wait, what?? i also have pond hockey skates and when i wear that, my toes dont go numb.. i thought that the toe cap was loose or something b/c the left side's cap has a small hole or line where its not fully attached, i'll take a pic of what i mean http://img152.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sany0066ty4.jpg

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Thanks for some advice.

Here is a specific question:

What are the performance differences between the RBK 9K pump, 7k pump, and Thrust Pump?

I was told by said pimply faced kid (no more than 16 and appearing less than confident) that the differences were the weight, and some of the materials used...

The holders and steel appeared similar or the same

The weights are negligable, especially to me since I am coming from circa '98 Bauer Supreme 7000's

Stiffness of boot may be an issue, since the 7000's may be the stiffest skates I have ever seen/worn

Like I said I will be on the ice once or twice a week from now on, I don't need something made of bulletproof materials etc.

I just want best bang for buck decent performing skates.

As for fit advice, that is good advice.

Currently my plan is now to experiment with getting my 7000's re baked and see if that does anything, if not I will explore punching them out, to avoid dropping cash on new skates if that is unavoidable as my 7000's are in pretty good shape save typical wear from puck marks, skates cuts, and slash marks...

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So, I went to a different hockey shop to see if I could find some second opinions on my current skates and potential options.

Again, I was faced with another pimply faced kid that wouldn't look me in the eye while he suggested the One95's or Vapour xxxx's.

So He baked my 7000's and we put them on my feet for 10-15 minutes...They felt ok, so I thought I would try them one more time, so I go to the back and much to my surprise the guy that helped me out for years and years at his previous shop was there sharpening skates, I haven't seen the guy for 10 years or so!

He sharpened my skates, and had a nice long look at them and suggested that I had probably a month or two left in the skates, and that it wouldn't have made a difference to have them baked again... and that One95's or Vapour xxxx's or 9k pumps are overkill for how much I play, and that I should look to slide into the One75's, and he is going to hook me up in the next little while when I am ready.\

As for punching, he noticed a few spots where the sides of the skates were weakening and showing signs of breakdown, and that punching them would probably ruin them for good.

Awesome stuff!

So today I go out for pre-work Friday morning hockey and my feet felt the worst they ever have, and my right skate feels wonky, like the outside of the boot is going to give way where it joins the footbed.

So I think I am off to the shop early, this evening to get fitted out for new Skates. Good to see an old friend though, and nice to know that I know where to find knowledgeable advice and a trustworthy employee at a LHS in my Area again.

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One75's are great skates.

Developing a rapport with the guys at the LHS easily outweighs the savings you may get by purchasing online. This serves as just such an example for yougsters who may find themselves "getting back into it" years down the line.

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I am no Youngster, I am a 27 year old former rink rat that spent every waking moment of his childhood and teenage life in Ice Rinks and LHS's.

However, I walked away from the game for a variety of reasons 5-7 years ago, and losing touch with what is the standard as far as gear and losing touch with many friends and connections I had for 20 years of my life.

I would never buy anything such as skates on line, and would never advise anyone to do such a thing. Skates are such a personal thing, the same model of skate in the same size might fit differently pair to pair since most high end skates are hand made and no human can do exactly the same thing twice. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase other things on line if deals that are too good to pass up appear, but I would never go online vs in store to purchase anything just to save a few bucks when you think back of all the times the LHS sharpened my skates for free, or cut a stick for me for free that i acquired elsewhere etc...

I am just happy that I re-acquainted myself with this guy I trust and appreciate from 10 years ago!

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Cool, will look into it...

The Shop I will be purchasing from has the skates listed as follows, and they may be able to do better, I have no indication one way or the other, therefore going by list prices:

One75: $429.99 CDN plus Tax

Vapor 29: $399.99 CDN plus Tax

Vapor 25: $299.99 CDN plus Tax

The Guy I know and trust told me to avoid the vapours if coming out of a Supreme skate (albeit a ten year old skate) as I am used to them vs a Vapor boot.

Could anyone fill me in on the differences? Is there any or is it just a fit and feel thing? other than the obvious diifferent materials used in construction etc...

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I have a pair of one75's and had a pair of xxvs get the One 75s. Especially scince you hurt your knees. I have a bad right knee and I don't get any pain in the One75s.

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Nice! Good shout, I forgot to mention to the Guy at the LHS that I have a wonky knee. Is there a stiffness difference between the boots of the One75's and vapors?


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went from 5000s to xxv and could not be happier. hte biggest thing i noticed right away was the weight difference between them. i love the xxv since skating in them for almost 9 months now.

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i say go one75, its a great skate cause its just a modified one90, so its suppost to be (kind of) top of the line skates

If the ONE75 is a modified ONE90, then it is likely a very low volume boot. This would seem to be the opposite of what the OP is looking for. Anyone know if they use the same last for production?

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no, the one75 is an updated version of the one90 with increased volume to accomodate more foot types. $429.99 is a good price considering I got mine for $479.99 on sale at the hockey shop last summer. If it fits, I recommend getting it. They feel like they're going to last a long time.

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Sorry to bump a week old thread,

But I have a question regarding skate durability.

My skates have not come yet. Therefore I went perusing again yesterday (Man I am falling in love with hanging out in LHS's again ;) )

One of the LHS has a screaming deal on the 9k pumps as they are "seconds"

I had durability issues with previous CCM tacks skates and as I understand it, CCM and RBK are the same group.

Generally speaking is Bauer still considered to be a longer lasting skate (at the high end models level) vs CCM/Rbk?

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