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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10k

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hey all, i'm new around here so i thought i'd spark some conversation by seeing what everyone thinks of the Reebok 10k's. a buddy of mine hooked me up with a pro stock 10k about 2 weeks ago and its probably the best stick i've ever used (maybe second to the 7k sickick pro stocks). Before the 10k I had two pro stock Vecotr V10 shafts with warrior AK27 blades in each and they have done me well for the last few months but not even comparable to the 10k. anyone else have them? thoughts on their preformance?

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I didn't take one but in the hands it feels a lot like a U+ with a ztac blade... at least the one I saw. The 8.0.8. was pretty impressive as well, nothing like the RBK sticks of the past. Reebok seems to be heading in a good direction by putting out usable sticks.

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yea, with the 10k i seem to have a stronger snapper than i did with past sticks, love the feel of them though. i would defiantly recommend picking one up, also, anyone know when they go retail?

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going just a lil off topic...but the O-sticks is more of a mid kickpoint than the Sickick right...? the way i look at it the o sticks just a sickick with holes in it...with the o stick i feel way more balanced and have more power on my shot but it didn't have that pop like i did with the sickick

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yea, with the 10k i seem to have a stronger snapper than i did with past sticks, love the feel of them though. i would defiantly recommend picking one up, also, anyone know when they go retail?

How does the 10k compare to other high end sticks like the NB One90 or One95 or an easton stealth or SE?

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i was under the assumption that the 9ko stick had a low kickpoint, hence the holes. i could be wrong, but isnt the kickpoint where the holes are ?

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The holes barely flex, when you think about how much more composite there is in that area (enough material to create the holes). This raises the kickpoint on the O-Stick in comparison to other models.

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yea, with the 10k i seem to have a stronger snapper than i did with past sticks, love the feel of them though. i would defiantly recommend picking one up, also, anyone know when they go retail?

How does the 10k compare to other high end sticks like the NB One90 or One95 or an easton stealth or SE?

the only high end sticks ive tried so far is the U+ the vapor xxxx and the Easton SE and i liked it better the U+ and the vapor xxxx. the U+ was wayy too light, personally i like a stick with some weight to it and i just wasnt feeling the xxxx. the easton se i really liked so its tough call between the two. it has less kick than the 7k or the SE but it still kicks better than most. It mostly a preference thing but i recommend trying one out, it will be worth your while.

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i was under the assumption that the 9ko stick had a low kickpoint, hence the holes. i could be wrong, but isnt the kickpoint where the holes are ?

ye i don't think the holes has room to make it a taper shaft to make a low kickpoint...the holes makes it a lil harder to flex but it still flexes quite well...like a bridge xP

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So, back on topic...got to try a friend's 10K Broken OPS Shaft the other morning...definite difference than the U+. Slapper had a better kick to it. Gave my shot a totally different zing. Instead of a heavy thumper had more zip and velocity to it. So with that said, I Just bought myself one on eBay. Can't wait to give it a complete run through. Hope my U+ Holds up till it arrives. I had a Hollow Heel and it's starting to fray like I predicted it to...but at an extreme longer time than I had expected. So I give the U a solid Thumbs Up on durability.

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