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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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BCS National Championship

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It is the BCS Championship game....not a National Championship. The BCS is a joke, and there will never be a true National Champion until there is a playoff system put into place. The BCS is nothing more than a football beauty pagent and is only still here because of the ungodly sums of money it makes for the BCS, the conferences, and schools.

I cant help but feel sorry for the teams that win, as they must feel in the back of their minds, as the initial joy wears off, that they may not be the real "national champions". They know the BCS is a joke better than anyone else, and I am sure there is a part of them that wishes they could have won the honor the real way, with a playoff.

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Even if there was a play off system people would bitch if some dark horse team that managed to eek into the tourny somehow pulled out a national championship win. Sparking endless debates on which team really was the best in college football for that year. The problem stims from trying to compare things that are not equal, not every Div I college program is on the same footing. As such I think best option is just to get rid of the national championship altogether.

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If they make it through a playoff, beating the favorites on the way, then they are the best. If the Blues somehow managed to get into the playoffs this year and then beat the Red Wings, Sharks, and Bruins in the finals then they deserve the Stanley Cup

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