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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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VAPOR XXX - pictures

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YUCK! I just don't know. These skates better be damn good in order for me to even consider taking the ice in skates that look that horrid. Ah, who the Hell am I kidding? Sure the skates are ugly (in my opinion), but that really shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not I get them. I've been loyal to the Vapor line for this long, and I don't see that ending anytime soon.

And I see Bauer hasn't realized that perf. steel was a total bust. Literally.

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Looks like they added the hydrophobic liner and 8090 outsole (good move, cleaner mounts)

Wonder what is different from LS and LS2...my guess is different hardware.

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Wow. Those look like 500000 times better than Vapor XX. I'd put them near the top of my list for looks, where as the Vapor XX was pretty much last. Not that I actually have list, or that I'm implying the looks make a difference, but still...

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How light were they?

I didn't get to feel them because they are behind a glass wall :(

You don't know how hard it is to take good pictures with glass in front of you.

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Looks like they added the hydrophobic liner and 8090 outsole (good move, cleaner mounts)

Wonder what is different from LS and LS2...my guess is different hardware.

I am going back again tomorrow for Russia vs. Slovakia.

If you want a specific picture/angle I can try to zoom in for you.

Those skates are not display only.

I am hoping that World Cup sticks will suddenly appear :)

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1. please take a pic of the liner inside, maybe a bottom view, back view.

2. if WC sticks are there TAKE MANY PICS!

sorry if that's a lot, but that's pretty big news on the XXXs.

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1. please take a pic of the liner inside, maybe a bottom view, back view.

2. if WC sticks are there TAKE MANY PICS!

sorry if that's a lot, but that's pretty big news on the XXXs.

okay, that's all the pictures I've got that are useful.

I don't know I can really take any more useful pictures because the skates are behind a glass wall.



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LOOKS like, but I was asking if it actually was changed, not just looked like it. but they're behind that glass so...:(

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Okay, for those who wanted different angles of inside and underneath. This is the best I could do.

Man, after the game I saw people go over to the Slovakian bench and asked for sticks and the trainers/staff were actually giving them the sticks. :o

Unfortunately I was in the opposite side of the rink and by the time I ran over to try to do the same thing, the entrance was closed off :(

Damn, I wanted one of the World Cup Stealths :(





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Man, after the game I saw people go over to the Slovakian bench and asked for sticks and the trainers/staff were actually giving them the sticks. :o

Haha that actually works? I'll have to try in Fri when Im in MN. I'll try to run over there as soon as the game ends and ask if I can have a stick.

O by the way thanks for the pics.

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GREAT job.

Sucks about the sticks dude! Man, try again.

Looks like a different insole, outsole, maybe liner, and outer boot material. Looks okay actually, it may be lighting or something, but is it purple-ish or black that it fades into?

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Looks okay actually, it may be lighting or something, but is it purple-ish or black that it fades into?

Looks to me like it fades into an almost graphite-type color. Personally, I think they would look much better with a fade into pitch-black and maybe red instead of the chromish on the ankle. But, since I don't work for Bauer, my suggestions really don't mean that much, and will remain to be my personal prefrence. The more I look at the skates, the more I can tolerate them. I really wish they would get away from the perf. steel on the Lightspeeds. I suppose I am going to have to get that fixed when I get them. I just hope these skates fit me as well as the XXs do now. Once I am able to check them out and try 'em on, I am sure they will be part of my Christmas wish-list (and don't try to tell me that nobody else here has already started theirs, too ;) ).

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