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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any TPS R8 Tapered Shaft Impressions?

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Does anyone have reviews or feedback on the TPS response R8 tapered shaft?

I particularly like the pro radius option for these shafts. If anyone can offer comparisons from this vs old xn10s or or other tapered shafts, be greatly appreciated

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I have the R8 Shaft tapered I am on my second one. First one lasted about 2 months or 10 games. It broke about 5 inches above the blade. There was barely any contact made but still broke. I am pretty hard on my sticks. I have it matched with the R8 blade and it is a touch blade heavy. My slap sjot is def coming off harder then with the R6 wrist and snap shot are a little lacking I feel that it could load slightly better. I can't compare it with the Xn10 or really for that matter any other stick. The grip wears pretty fast if you like that. You could also put some powder on it to speed that process up. I would recomended it. I like it better then the sherwood rm9 and the easton I had before that. I also play D pretty ruged stick

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I had the first generation R8 and it was a turd compared to the XN10. I have not tried the R8 from the 2008 series of sticks, mine was the

"response lite" looking R8.

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I have the new PR r8. First off, the whip flex is 70, instead of 75ish, which I did not like. Also the PR really bothered me. They seemed to kick alright, but in the end I had to shelf my 2 because I know Im not going to use them anymore. Hard to judge kick based on the old r8 since it was a bit stiffer. Grip was nice.


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I really liked the couple of pro stock ones I had. They seemed pretty light and the kick was nice. They didn't kick as well as an XN10 (but then again what does?) but better than most tapered shaft offerings around. Mine were the standard TPS square concaved shaped shaft, I just wish the ones I had were SW not R flex.

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I have a pro radius W flex from this year. I like the gripzone as well as the shape, even though I normally use really boxy shafts (7K prolites). I got just one to use when I coach and shoot pucks by myself at the rink. It kicks alright, not as good as the XN10 but shoots just as well if not better than most shafts out there.

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You can't go wrong with this shaft. It kicks pretty good and with TPS no longer you can probably find these shafts on clearance.

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