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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attending the same university these guys (the UA guys) graduated from, I can honestly tell you that the only reason they believe it is 90 USD good are those little black and white logos on it. I can't imagine this visor employing any fabric/sweat-wicking-away specific technology.

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I have one, certainly didn't pay $90 for it though. Optically its OK, I think it is better than some of the Itech offerings but not quite on par with the Oakley stuff.

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I have one, certainly didn't pay $90 for it though. Optically its OK, I think it is better than some of the Itech offerings but not quite on par with the Oakley stuff.

HDO-high def optics

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That is because they are abbreviations on a product they shouldn't be manufacturing. UA for your under gear, Oakley for your eyes.

Agree. Can't see much of anything being better than the Oakley Visors.

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Agree. Can't see much of anything being better than the Oakley Visors.


Agreed. Oakley is the cream of the crop as far as I've explored. My Oakley has served me far better than my Itech HS22... and it's orange for chrissakes!

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