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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rat

Alternate Color Pants

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Why are the only colors for pants red, blue, and black? Are there any sites that sell good pants or shells for good pants that are like forest green?

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Warrior has a custom pant program and Peranis usually has some old pants in various colors. They may or may not have your size. Shells are available, if you can't find pants that work for you, just send me a PM.

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I'm kinda in the mood for this too.

I recently went through a little debate with my league about it not exactly being cool of them to tell me I would be suspended from my teams next game because my shell was navy (the only freaking shade of blue to be had in a 50 mile radius) instead of royal. I went ahead and finally found a royal one and had it shipped to me, I figured what the hell and ordered a red one while I was at it. So now I've got black breezers, and 3 different colored shells. I'm actively looking for a shell for the Minnesota wild and anything else really distinctive.

Since I spent all that time thinking about shell colors I kinda want to collect them now :P

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Tackla makes pants and shells in a large variety of colors. I'd be surprised if you found a store that stocks them because almost no one uses colored pants anymore but a good LHS should be able to get a pair for you.

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I bought a pair of Tackla 5000 Pro pants from hockeydawgz.com a few years ago.

Don't remember how much I paid, but remembered they were a good deal.

They are the anaheim mighty ducks colour purple (plum).

Don't know if they have any right now, but you could periodically check.

Many years ago and couple of pant sizes smaller, I got a pair of green CCM pants at my local "Play it Again" shop. Mine local place doesn't carry odd coloured pants anymore, but maybe yours might.

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