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Australian Bushfires

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Just wanted to say stay safe to anyone who is living out in the more country areas of Australia where theres fires burning. The irony of this country, Queensland is flooding while N.S.W and Victoria (S.A as well? not sure...) burn.

Around Melbourne yesterday it got over 46 celsius (bit over 115 for all those that use fahrenheit) with winds round 50km/h if I remember correctly and there was next to no humidity, not a good combination after a nasty heat wave across Victoria and S.A about 2 weeks ago.

Really try to stay safe any of you that are living near those effected areas...

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Just thought I'd mention the death toll from the fires burning across Victoria are up to 130... I've seen the skycranes 3 times today, I'm not sure if I should be happy that they're there doing what needs to be done, or almost sad because they are required. I really do have so much respect for all the fire fighters, volunteers or otherwise, it must be so bloody hard...

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Heard it might go up to 200. The story that sickened me was the one where a family of 6 were trying to escape the fire by driving their car... car was caught and all perished.

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Heard it might go up to 200. The story that sickened me was the one where a family of 6 were trying to escape the fire by driving their car... car was caught and all perished.

This was a friend of a friend of mine, terrible story. From all reports they were wonderful people and will be sorely missed.

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We have had one or two guys here in the Victoria Hockey community loose friends. Its been really bad one guy here got out of his house but his college pro stock goalie kit is gone forever. I think that was the 2nd question he asked after his house, to the insurance company...

"Can I get my sweet Brians pads back?"

Top guy too, really didn't deserve what happend.

BTW: One of the most amazing photos I have ever seen. Was sent over the media accross the world. Generally a timid creature which has the ability to slice through skin with its sharp claws. This shows how desperate things get for animals in a Bushfire. Apprently the Koala drank 3x 500ml bottles of water.


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Justice will take course in the proper and lawful manner. We don't lynch people here based on accusations and some ppl need to realise that despite what has been lost. I can say that because I visted some friends in the effected area last weekend. Even they believe the best way to deal with this is through the courts.

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We don't lynch people here based on accusations and some ppl need to realise that despite what has been lost.

None the less it only takes one idiot...

I think there's a greater chance of people "taking the law into their own hands" over looters rather than that person.

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i agree it was a reallllllllly stupid thing to do

someone's gotta protect that guy... he's definitely on the hit list by a lot of people in Melbourne...

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It's his family that you need to think of, innocent bystanders who are being harassed. I couldn't give a rats what happens to him though.

Bender, I agree in regards to the looters. If I were them I would too...

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Some people are back at their homes (or whats left) and are protecting them from the looters, by gun point. A stand not normally required in a part of our country where most people go out without locking the front door.

This has bought out the best and the worst in this beautiful country.

PS: We are having a "Bush Fire Appeal Inline Hockey Tournament" soon in Melb. Dates are...

Friday April 10, Saturday April 11 and Sunday April 12 @ Puckhandlers Hockey Rink In Melbourne.


You can contact the tournament organiser Ross via Ross@puckhandlers.com, if you are keen to play. Its going to be a great weekend with ALL proceeds going to the official Appeal.

Also, for those wanting to donate directly, go to... http://www.redcross.org.au/vic/services_em...appeal-2009.htm

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My brother runs the touring music department for Hear Now music in Melbourne (this is him http://www.hearnow.net.au/people/the-radiator )

They had a benefit at Match Bar tonight over there for the bushfire fund.

I hope they raised a good number. Info on the event is on the front page of their site


Good luck guys

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