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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car named after greek goddess

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That's true, all the soldiers were gay. In fact, almost all the guys were.

And of course those geniouses at MTV have to put two gay guys in the city of brotherly love. Although nothing will shatter our glimmering public image.

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That's true, all the soldiers were gay. In fact, almost all the guys were.

And of course those geniouses at MTV have to put two gay guys in the city of brotherly love. Although nothing will shatter our glimmering public image.

not all of the guys were gay, the soldiers were encouraged to be gay because it was thought that lovers are more courageous when their partners are in a crisis and need their help. other than that, i'd imagine regular greeks were straight

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Spartan boys were sent to an academy and were tutored by an elder, who would also have, uh, 'relations' with them until the boy reached adulthood.

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