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Darel 17

Spyne v.s. S17 Flex

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Hey guys Im looking into buying a dolo spyne but i am worried about the flex. I use a true 85 so what i mean by that is when i cut down my sticks a couple of inches they are an 85 (See the S17). But i was wondering if the dolomite spynes are an 85 flex at standard length or afteryou cut them down a few inches? thanks.

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ANY stick you cut down gets stiffer as you cut.

That's not entirely true despite what you may read on a brochure or website.

While that may seem like a quick & easy answer, let me explain why a stick may FEEL stiffer when a few inches are lopped off. First, understand the components of a composite stick; carbonized polymers & epoxy (pre-preg carbon fiber). That's pretty much it. Now, does cutting down a stick change the stiffness:mass of the materials? No. Are the properties of the stick changed CHEMICALLY? No.

A stick is basically a lever. The longer the stick, the more power that is stored/multiplied thus giving the impression of a lower flex rating. Ever wonder why Chara/Iafrate had such powerful shots? Ever see those guys? They're monsters & using longer hockey sticks allow them to use a bigger lever. For an even more simple example; remove a nail from a piece of wood with a hammer and then again with a big-ass crow bar. You'll notice that the crow bar is much longer, the nail is removed much easier, however you are not producing more power. That's leverage baby! A lever multiplies the force you generate; bigger lever = more force.

Since a bigger lever multiplies your force more and since the stick is longer uncut; wouldn't it make sense that more power is created? That's why a longer stick flexes easier. The flex remains the same regardless of how long the stick is; what changes is how much 'leverage' the stick produces affecting 'flex'. Longer stick = more leverage = more power produced/stored = more flex. Simple huh?

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about visit this link; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lever

It's simple physics really. Check out that link and you'll understand WHY a longer stick/lever will feel whippier than a shorter one.


With due respect to the previous poster, I just thought I'd chime in and give a quick answer to those lurkers who are asking 'why shorter sticks have less flex'. The answer is really quite simple, pity the manufacturers feel it is not worthwhile to explain this to people and to explain the construction of their OPS.

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While I appreciate you going into detail about how leverage works (and I know how it works), the reason why I posted such a short answer is because he asked about a particular stick, knowing that the OTHER one got stiffer as he cut it, as if there was somethng different in the makeup of the stick.

So, my comment is entirely true, everything being equal. It was just the abridged version.

PS - Iafrate did not have a long, whippy stick. Matter of fact, he used a very stiff stick. Brett Hull would be a better example of how to generate velocity with a whippier stick.

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While I appreciate you going into detail about how leverage works (and I know how it works), the reason why I posted such a short answer is because he asked about a particular stick, knowing that the OTHER one got stiffer as he cut it, as if there was somethng different in the makeup of the stick.

So, my comment is entirely true, everything being equal. It was just the abridged version.

I'm an engineer/researcher...I couldn't help myself.

It's all good!

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Thanks. But I obviously do know that a stick gets stiffer as you cut it down i was just wondering if the dolo had the same flex system as the s17 where if it is labeled as 100 flex its not actually a 100 until you cut it down a few inches.

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Yes, the Dolomite Spyne will feel stiffer at 100 flex when cut then the S17.

On a side note of what JR was talking about, how would more whip add velocity? Wouldn't that absorb most of the impact of the shot, making the velocity weaker?

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If you can flex a stiffer stick as much as someone can flex their whippy stick then it would be good. But using a whippier stick makes the shaft flex more during your shot and as it snaps back it adds more velocity. This is part of the reason why guys in the show that are 5'7 180 often can shoot as hard as another guy who's 6'3 220. Really its all in personal preference. Zdeno Chara obviously isnt going to be able to use a stick with the same flex as Phil Kessel's.

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Think of archery. The bending of the bow absorbs all the energy and then transfers it through the arrow towards the archer's intended target. Preferably glove side top shelf.

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Lol I was thinking about using that explanation and then all I could think of was my love of my old Trevor Linden Pro Stock Tri Flexes.

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I think easton threw a major curveball by selling a 100 flex stick that isn't 100 flex until cut. It makes sense for shorter guys, but when you never cut your stick it can get a little confusing.

While I know everything is personal preference, is there any solid fact that exists proving why a certain flex is better for shooting? just curious...

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The biggest factor beside the flex itself is what type of player you are. For instance, I can use an s17 85 flex and love it for wrist shots, but it hurts me a bit slap and snap shot wise because I can use a stiffer stick than that and still get plenty of flex.

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I was also wondering if anyone knows if more curves are going to be released for the dolo spyne? All ive seen are fedorov/kovalev/draper

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