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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Standard replacement blade -> Tapered blade

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Hello! Some weeks ago I ordered some saprykin pro-stock blades from HM. I will maybe do custom blades no so I have some back up blades. I gonna go with rbk but I think they will only do standard blades beacuse there isn´t any tapered shafts in Finland.

So to my question can I sand down standard blades so they will fit in a tapered shaft (Dolo -08) and will they last or will they break if I sand them down??

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If its a wood with a solid tenon, I don't see how sanding it down could drastically alter the load bearing ability.

However, most composite blades will have hollow tenons and you wouldn't be able to slim those to work, because sanding down the sidewalls are a bad idea. They are only so thick to begin with, I can't imagine it working.

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I sanded down the tenon on some pro-stock blades to make them fit in a tapered shaft and it signficantly lowered the durability. Three were broken in a week all in the same spot.

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I sanded down the tenon on some pro-stock blades to make them fit in a tapered shaft and it signficantly lowered the durability. Three were broken in a week all in the same spot.

i sanded down the tenon on composite mission blades from hm to fit in a dolomite shaft, no problems.

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forbs, did you sand down a wood blade or a composite blade??

I will go to my Lhs on moday to get my new Warrior francheis gloves (spl?), then I have to ask the worker I he can call and ask if they can do me some tapered blades, if not I belive I have to try to sand down an old standard blade (if I can find some) to see how it holds up.

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forbs, did you sand down a wood blade or a composite blade??

I will go to my Lhs on moday to get my new Warrior francheis gloves (spl?), then I have to ask the worker I he can call and ask if they can do me some tapered blades, if not I belive I have to try to sand down an old standard blade (if I can find some) to see how it holds up.

Wood blade.

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When sanding a blade to make it fit a tapered shaft, should you keep the hosel the same length? Or should you shorten it by sanding it down as well and then cutting part of the tenon off? What would happen if you kept the hosel at the same length vs. shortening it?

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When sanding a blade to make it fit a tapered shaft, should you keep the hosel the same length? Or should you shorten it by sanding it down as well and then cutting part of the tenon off? What would happen if you kept the hosel at the same length vs. shortening it?

Cutting the tenon will lower the kick point, whether you'll find it noticable or not is a different matter. I wouldn't bother.

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man I would NOT pay for customs if they werent exactly what I wanted

I have shaved down standard wood hosel blades to tapered and not broken one on the hosel

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