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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Booting a friend from the team

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Once he does get in shape and hopfeully improves his endurance, i have no problems taking him back, even tho he sucks.

It sure didn't read like your issue was that he wasn't in shape and had no endurance. Your issue was that he wasn't very good. If he comes back in great shape and still sucks, I wouldn't bet a nickel on you welcoming him back.

I think the issue was that he sucked and wasn't trying to get better and wouldn't take any advice. Now, he took advice and wants to improve himself, endurance, skating, stickhandling all that, which in the end will make him a better player.

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Once he does get in shape and hopfeully improves his endurance, i have no problems taking him back, even tho he sucks.

It sure didn't read like your issue was that he wasn't in shape and had no endurance. Your issue was that he wasn't very good. If he comes back in great shape and still sucks, I wouldn't bet a nickel on you welcoming him back.

I think the issue was that he sucked and wasn't trying to get better and wouldn't take any advice. Now, he took advice and wants to improve himself, endurance, skating, stickhandling all that, which in the end will make him a better player.


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Guys, this player's level vs the rest of the team is so low....forget our team, his level vs the rest of the players in the league is tooo low...

He vowed to get in shape, lose weight, and improve his cardio to get back in the team. And i loved that. This is why i love the guy. Once he does get in shape and hopfeully improves his endurance, i have no problems taking him back, even tho he sucks.

Thanks for your views guys, all of you really helped out a lot

I'm confused. I thought you said it was that his level was too low. He could be in the best shape in the world, but if the guy can't play at a higher level, he can't play at a higher level. He might be less out of breathe and cover the ice a little better, but he will still be well below the rest of the team. Now, he if says he's going to hockey camps and will work on his skills so he can be good enough to play with you, that is another thing. But he just said he was going to get in shape.

And you said even if he still sucks, then he can play. So what is the real issue here? That he sucks, or that he is in horrible shape? Or that he doesn't realize how bad he is and is uncoachable (even though he's a good guy)?

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The guys I play drop in with are all smokers (cigs and green in the dressing room before game), and they have no trouble keeping up, I realized that they could keep up because their fitness level was high enough (and that most of them were vegetarian/fish-eaters, not sucking back mcDicks and twinkies beforehand). These guys are in shape and that goes a long way to helping you be a better player, having a gut and doing nothing to increase endurance will hinder you even if you are the second coming of gretzky.

having endurance not only helps your body, but it keeps your brain working to its fullest level by giving it oxygen (which smoking and fat slow), so not only are you breathing and moving better but you are thinking better, which if you're of limited ability is what you really need to do and be in the best positioning possible.

My friend started playing when he was 32 (he's now 38, I'm 25) and he hadn't scored any goals up till the time he met me, then I told him about positioning and when be high/on the boards/slot etc. etc.) now he pots a least a goal a game plus assists. POSITIONING is KEY

Smoking has nothing to do with discipline, to that all I gotta say is: if it's good enough for guy lafleur it's good enough for those guys that smoke.

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In beer league hockey being in the correct position will help you out a lot, because 90% of the time the guy you're playing against won't be in the correct position. Even at higher skill levels you tend to see puck chasing and other over all poor positioning, everyone is just out trying to score a goal and have a good time of it. Nature of rec league I suppose. That said, if you're fat and slow, and the other guy isn't, a lot of the time he's going to make up that step or two that being in the correct position gave you anyway.

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I just finished reading this thread and the one thing that I got out of all this is... I'd never want you as a teammate. Dude, you and the guys on your team are a joke. First, it's ONE bad player bringing your entire team down. Then when you're called on it by a few here you trash your tender. Team sports aside, what kind of friend are you? You didn't even have the stones to face him, you just came here and trashed him. WEAK. As an outsider that has never seen you play here's my guess as to why your team is suffering (in beer league)... You have a team made up of selfish ice-hogs. The best players I've played with didn't trash weaker guys (behind their backs), they made them (and everyone around them) better. But what do I know, good luck winning a $40 gift card to Home Depot. They can't take that away from you.

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wow, so that just killed the conversation dead, it's like telling dead baby jokes at a bridal shower... anyway I can see both sides of the equation here. I don't dislike players who aren't any good, I greatly and vocally dislike players that come out and dead fish it on the ice, don't skate, don't check, don't try. That shit's painful, and a great way to piss me off. that being said, calling the guy out cause he didn't have the 'stones' to tell his buddy he blows chunks. We are on a message board where anonymity is king, nobody has any stones, we are solely represented by typed text and pictures (mostly of our gear). We aren't following that guy around 24/7, watching his every move, he's coming here and telling us the lowdown on shit that's been buggin' him, nothing else. He's not out there to win primarily, but I'll tell you what, no matter what game your playing, be it for bragging rights or for your country or for the cup when that final buzzer goes and you aren't on the winning team it sucks balls and you feel like garbage until you get off that ice. Lose ten, twelve straight and I'd be thinking about offin' myself. would I think about the guy who just left his wing/side open or got danced around cause he sucks and maybe want him off the team, possibly for a bit, but then again I've always played with decent guys or was too young to give a damn, but i can understand where its coming from and for him to see the light at the end of the tunnel compared to another year with that dude I can see why it would bother him and why he could come onto an online community of like-minded people to seek advice who probably have had similar situations. If I wanted to get bashed I could probably go to an nfl fan site, but I don't think they can type :P

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I'd agree in theory the tone was a little asshole-ish, but as was pointed out, it's a message board. You are identity free here so you don't have to sugar coat things for the sake of social grace and not hurting feelings. In handled property I don't really see a problem with telling a player that isn't playing up to par that they need to find another team. Between reffing and score keeping I've seen more beer league games than anyone ought to have, IMHO I don't think a player that's on a team way above his/her skill level is going to have any fun anyway.

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Hey JPB,

Sorry i offended you. I'll send you one of those home depot cards to make up for it :P

anyways guys heres an update:

The guy we booted off for the summer, playes last night in our final regular season, played one of his better games, but still worse than everyone else. we had our biggest win of the year, lots of guys are already pumped about next year, and decided to just let this guy be

We won 17-5

We have 6 forwards, 5 of them all had minimum 1 goal and 4 pts each. The guy we booted: 0 goals, 0 assists, was on the ice for 4 out 5 of the other team's goals. And as i mentioned, STILL played one his better games. LOL

he agreed that he would have had more fun in a lower level yesterday because all of us were pouring it on and he couldnt pot one in.

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We won 17-5

That's douchebaggery. Doesn't sound like you are much of a good sport either. When you go up by a few goals on a team that you KNOW is well beneath you, you let your foot off the gas a bit. This isn't NHL. But I'm sure you feel great about yourself.

Did you get to go home and tell your girlfriend you had 8 points? I'm sure you feel like a pro.


Mods: Sorry for the rant, but I truly hate ANY lack of sportsmanship on the ice. Whether it is dirty teams, or teams like his.

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