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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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where is it in the photo?

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That's what I tried to do, but in the heat of the moment (even just a reach for the puck) you can cross that line in a heartbeat.

That lack of "give" is exactly what I meant by "unforgiving" - things you can do on ice without thinking can suddenly become catastrophic.

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you guys are starting to scare me out of roller :( although to be fair, there are no decent rinks in downstate illinois anymore

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I'd give it a whirl, but just be mindful. I have a history of doing incredibly stupid shit in athletic pursuits, so it may just be especially bad with me. That said, there seems to be a pretty fair correlation between people who grew up on ice and sudden injuries in roller. If you've been playing both for ages, you're probably fine. The converse of the roller player who is immediately identifiable on ice seems to hold true as well.

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Th transition between Roller and Ice for myself has always been weird. I think if you do it every season (on ice one, then on roller the next) as a kid you just learn to "turn on the switch" from one to the other.

Atm, I prefer ice as I can shoot better and skate faster. In saying that I also love that going back to roller means I am usually playing with guys I grew up with/coached/best mates with. We team up well and create better plays then the guys in ice.

The Sprung frames have helped soften the transition allot, but at the end of the day if I play more of one I generally can do more just because I've spent more time doing it.

I guess I can prefer either/or, depending on my mood.

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